I'm about to leave the gardens I've been working on for the past 14 years and move to a larger blank slate property in 6b. ( this is hard, but exciting)
While I've lived on septic in the past, it was before I was serious about the
permaculture gardening. The septic bed is in a premium, full sun, southfacing spot. I know I can't do
trees, shrubs or raised beds on it but I don't want to leave it as
I have found that having a good range of
perennial flowers, that cycle so something is always in bloom, has let me host a wide and healthy range of pollinators. I'm leaning towards using the septic field as the main flower area. Are there likely to be any issues with this plan? Any things that would be especially suitable for this kind of space? Would roses or lavender be fine?
The main plants I have or can easily get are: roses, peony, lavender, yarrow, hardy geranium, poppy, iris, day lily, milkweed, liatris, sage, Russian sage, sedum and spiderwort.