In the fall (here in Wisconsin) I collected several hundred fresh acorns from wild red, white, and "turkey" oaks. I threw out all the damaged one, leaving the nice, fat, heavy, healthy ones.
I placed them in heavy zipper bags with some damp paper towels, and put them in the fridge to stratify. It's been about 8 weeks now, and I do not see any signs of life in any of them. Not a single one.
Should I expect that they will crack/sprout in the fridge (and then I plant it), or do I just go ahead and plant them, even though they have not sprouted yet?
I was really hoping to have some seedlings by spring. My brother just expaned his property, and is trying to replant several acres into a kind of wildlife heaven. Oaks, apples, and other food crops for the critters. I realize an oak isn't going to produce in the short term, but it's an interesting long term
Thanks for any info