Alright folks, did Paul or B Obama shut them down? Or are they just blocking me for some reason? By my count they've been down since Friday. And the error message visible the first few days said 'suffering attacks' instead of 'maintenance'.... Might be that Whitehouse crack down on dissent?
OK Paul I acquit you. Probably it's like at my house- the fixer is out of town for a while. Without DH we have killed our network and are hoping he can fix it when he gets home- tired of passing the internet around like a bogarted spliff. Didn't mind sharing the bandwidth but all or none sucks for all of us. I really ought to rent a geek but I have this prejudice that my DH is a far superior geek. Or that I oughtta be able to do it myself but that isn't true thus far!
Brenda Groth wrote: not sure if you are aware that they are no longer down
You didn't see me posting out there? Maybe I'm hard to spot as just a single post here and there and without the angry mob chasing me with torches and pitchforks.
paul wheaton wrote: You didn't see me posting out there? Maybe I'm hard to spot as just a single post here and there and without the angry mob chasing me with torches and pitchforks.
paul, if they are coming at you with pitchforks you have to inform admin!