About to harvest my potatoes.... I have extremely limited indoor/covered space, rodent issues and a humid, very mild (no snow at all, but pretty wet). I can get $5 thick 200L food grade plastic drums practically new, with air tight snap lids, for $5, & I have a load of
hay from our property. SO, I was thinking of storing the potatoes in drums, layered in hay (I only grew 4-5m of them).
Looking at how others have stored potatoes, they say they need ventilation, but they have also been stored in clamps in the ground, so surely they don't need heaps of ventilation then.
How many holes do you think I'd need to drill in the drums to give
enough ventilation? I'm going to store the drums outside so thought perhaps behind a building and holes only drilled on one side to protect from driving rain. And/or maybe I'll put something over the top of the drums as well if I can find something.