Looks like I will FINALLY be allowed to live how "I" desire to live, and so...
I need to gather some things. What follows is a list of what I can POSSIBLY lug along with me, to where I am to go:
(or, my raw editing down the list I created almost a year and a half ago)
LOL what a difference a year and 4 months makes...
In Dec. 2022, I made a list of all the stuff I wanted to take from the tiny house, upon my liberation. Let's see what survived the move...
The Room ▒
• much of the stuff in the closet in this room (2 bins, clothes, fermenting apparatuses and other ▒
loose stuff on the shelves) ▒
• the 2 bottom drawers ▒
• the bed? ▒
• the TV tray ▒
GONE • the mesquite walking stick GONE ▒
The Kitchen: ▒
• the stainless steel pots and pans ▒
• the loaf pan ▒
• a pizza pan ▒
• the dutch oven ▒
• the "flat" knife and the fork that are up above the stove as well ▒
• the empty jars up there ▒
GONE • one each of the spatulas, the whisks, the big spoons GONE (old ones, thrown out, because sis is an idio...) ▒
• the wooden spoon ▒
• one of the waffle presses ▒
MAYBE • the scale MAYBE ▒
The Garage: ▒
GONE • the bags of grapefruit in the floor freezer (if they're still there) THEY WERE NEVER THERE
NOW, what else? What do I need? I really want the...
small crock pot...
rice cooker...
canning pots, at least one, and all of the canning jars...
toaster? there's 3 (one's a toaster
oven, and the only one used in the kitchen now)
anodized aluminum skillets
large stainless steal pot
from the first list above:
• the stainless steel pots and pans (a "square" or "high sided" SS pan, and a small SS pot, the pan with a lid missing the knob)
• the loaf pan
• a pizza pan
• the (small) dutch oven (for making small loaves of bread)
GONE • one each of the spatulas, the whisks, the big
spoons GONE (old ones I WAS going to take, thrown out, bc sis is an idio...)
• the wooden spoon (I could use lots of these)
• one of the waffle presses
MAYBE • the scale MAYBE
Now, WOW... the list got huge. I can only carry so much, and might not be able to ship any of it. Is there anything on the list that is a MUST? I would think the canning stuff, and the baking stuff, for sure, but the electric stuff? In any of your individual/group relocation or disaster experiences, or LIFE HAPPENING et al... have you ever found any of the things I list become very tough to replace, if said things vanish from your presence at some point, for whatever reasons?
should I hold onto?
ALSO... this
thread could be used to discuss the merits of certain devices vs any alternatives to them (ie. electric vs. hand powered, SS vs.
cast iron vs. aluminum nonstick vs. anodized etc)