Wow! Thanks for your responses.
Dale- the ditch would go thru a lot of wet/drier cycles. How much dry can cattails take? I like the idea and there are certainly enough cattails around here that are a nuisance that I’m sure I could experiment with them and see if they like my ditch. The roadway is virtually level with my
yard so it goes from asphalt to grass. (I plan to dig the ditch alongside the road to capture the runoff) I mow it and I’m pretty sure they don’t spray it, but a quick call to the township will confirm that. But, with all the traffic I want to find ways to block and capture as much of the contamenants as I can.
Landon- You are absolutely right. Blocking the view across my property is in the top 3 reasons to put up a “living fence”. I hadn’t thought of a huglekulture mound – would the toxic ick coming off the township road be a problem once absorbed into the
wood? The road side of my mound would be the south facing side- which as I said above does not drop off from the road – they are pretty much level. I live in “ruburbia” – my word for rural suburbia- we have a cornfield (or soybean field depending on the rotation) across the street, but 5 or 6 houses within sight of our house. I’d kind of hate to plant any fruiting bushes on the road side – I don’t particularly want to eat that fruit and any animals it attracted would run a high risk of being hit on the road. So, I’m thinking big thorns, dense habit, fast spreading. Oh, and they need to be able to handle the stuff from the road. I don't ask for much, do I! BTW, Thanks for the apple guild suggestions – I just need to refine my choices. I have 9 or 10 mature apple
trees, so I can have some fun with those plantings too. A couple questions about the tree guild – 1. Should I remove all the grass out to the tree line before I plant my understory plants or can I plant a cover crop (maybe vetch) to crowd out the grass? And 2. Should I worry that any mints I plant will get out of control or rely on the chop and drop method to keep them under control?
I told y’all – I’m a newbie!
So, in addition to Himalayan blackberry what other specific bushes might do well for the hedgerow?
Thank you for your input – I’ve got this picture of a
berm or huglekulture mound with a dense covering of bushes that will stop a lot of the road pollution and most 2 and 4 legged creatures.