Rich Melton : Welcome to, our sister site, and a Big Welcome to the Rocket, and
Wood Stoves forum / threads ! With over 21,000 fellow
members world wide, you
should be able to come here 24 / 7 and find someone who wants to talk about what you want to talk about !
Wikipedia has a very interesting and instructive Article on " High Temperature Hydrogen Attack ", explaining how iron and steel fail in this application, just touching
on why Heat treating these metals before and after are so Important !
First a little house keeping, Look at your name space, and L@@K at mine, for the rest of the month we are asking everyone to go to the upper right of this page to
the Permies Toolbox find the button marked ''My Profile" and click on> this will take you to a new page where you will be prompted to add your general location,
and your Regional Climate # if known ! This helps us many times to give you the best
answer to some of your questions, and is a good start to Finding a 'Near -
-neighbor' with
Rocket Mass Heater RMH, or
Cob Experience !
From the Permies Toolbox, as a Fellow Member, You can visit our 'pCloud'. Simply Clickon>
Search, and at the next Page enter a term to search in the search field,
and do a search of the 100s of 1,000s of articles posted here by your fellow members, also available 24 / 7 !
When you post a comment to the forum threads our computer tries to find 'Similar Threads' from key words in your
thread and post a short list of likely suspects
below at the bottom of this page !
Finally, because of the Vast Amount of Stinking Crap on U-Tube of 'Flaming Units of Death' some poster calls a Rocket Stove, I want to personally request that you
take whatever you find on U-Tube with caution and skepticism ! 4 Months from now there will be a new crop of Frankin-Clones of todays 'units of flaming death',
and they are all doomed, at which time the original poster will have long since grown tired of his balky, unusable creation, and has moved on, chasing the next
Shinny Bauble !
For The Good of the Craft ! As always, your comments and questions are solicited and are welcome ! Big AL !