wrote:"Permacredits are the first true asset backed crypto currency on the market. They are powered by the Eco Developments, Permaculture institutions, and members in our network. When you buy Permacredits you are buying membership in a global network of Eco resorts, Sustainable living spaces, Permaculture farms, Retreat centers, Eco Developments, and more. These credits can be used at any of our network member locations for goods and services as well as be traded on the open market as an appreciating crypto currency asset class.
Our goal is to build profitable dynamic permaculture based living environments for our members. These futuristic high end dwellings encompass all the amenities of modern living set in inspiring permaculture systems who's triple bottom line is Profits, People, and Planet...and you get fresh produce!
Our development projects are hand picked by our Permaculture "Jedi" Council to ensure their standards, low impact, and profitability. They must meet permaculture, and in many cases biodynamic, growing standards. Must rejuvenate the soil, and they must produce ridiculous profits. Join our team and help develop the world of Permaculture and Paradise living."
We will have open windows for purchasing CREDITS directly from This will happen twice a year initially, just before each Solstice. The capital raised, which will be used to fund Permaculture-Based, Triple Bottom Line Businesses, will be issued to those projects on the Solstices. You will need Bitcoin to purchase Permacredits.
Buy Our Book! Food Web: Concept - Raising Food the Right Way. Learn make more food with less inputs
Off Grid Homesteading - latest updates and projects from our off grid homestead
“Enough is as good as a feast"
-Mary Poppins
Abe Connally wrote:so it's a centralized solution for a decentralized technology?
Abe Connally wrote:Why shouldn't Permaculture operations just take bitcoins? wrote:"Since this is bitcoin 2.0 in action and rides on Bitcoin's blockchain you can store your CREDITS in any bitcoin wallet. This is advantageous for things like text message bitcoin wallets.
...You will need Bitcoin to purchase Permacredits. You easily can purchase your Bitcoin HERE through Coinbase, our merchant service provider. They are the most trusted, well established, and easy to use interface on the market.
...Each quarter the projects in our network that have been funded by the Permacredit ecosystem will buy Bitcoin..."
Andrew Scott wrote: Since the commodification of social relationships destroys community, I'm having a hard time squaring the whole thing.
“Enough is as good as a feast"
-Mary Poppins
Buy Our Book! Food Web: Concept - Raising Food the Right Way. Learn make more food with less inputs
Off Grid Homesteading - latest updates and projects from our off grid homestead
Alex Sandoval wrote:I am a little worried about the permaculture ethics not lining up. They are claiming care of people and care of planet which are great but setting limits and sharing the excess is not things that are normally thought of when you mention profits.
I want to believe in the permacredits but this is the biggest hurdle that has to be addressed to calm concerns of the corruption of rampant consumerism.
Charles Eisenstein wrote:
1. Negative-Interest Currency
2. Elimination of Economic Rents, and Compensation for Depletion of the Commons
3. Internalization of Social and Environmental Costs
4. Economic and Monetary Localization
5. The Social Dividend
6. Economic Degrowth
7. Gift Culture and P2P economics
Check out the journey on creating a forest garden and living in an urban homestead at My Ky Homestead it's a work in progress.
Xavier Hawk wrote:
Alex Sandoval wrote:The more I study permaculture the more I see relationships and all of their infinite dynamics. What kind of characteristics of relationships can we expect, either good or ill, between contributors, receivers, sponsors, the projects, project resources, the community of contributors, internet community, permaculture community, the community at large, the local community, Bitcoin, Permacredits, any fiat currency...
That's a tough question. It's quite broad. What I see is a gift economy based on good will and genuine trust in a better way.
For me it is a way to have stake in an ethos. For me it is a way I can actively support that ethos, the projects exemplifying that ethos, and the people who live that ethos....people I would honor and respect as relatives.
I believe in the ethos of permaculture, the people involved, and the projects I see everyday on Facebook and through friends and associates. I believe that I can support that way of being and doing and mutually benefit from its expansion. The expansion of the idea, the permeating way of living that is in balance with the systems we find ourselves a part of. That is permaculture. This is the permaculture of finance and vested interest.
...the value is credits as a currency with companies who wish to support our ethos and accept them, and also a token that as projects in the ecosystem gift network surplus back into the system it gets spread across all credits.
Fundamentally this is a gift economy based vending machine where you put bitcoins in a slot and get credits in return. You can use those credits as currency at any location that accepts them. The bitcoins you put in the vending machine go directly to projects you choose. No one touches the bitcoin except those projects. As those projects succeed they tip network surplus back into wallets that automatically split them up among all credits. Again no one touches them but you.
Greetings Everyone,
Just got back from Bitcoin in the Beltway in DC and the inside
Bitcoins conference in Hong Kong. Both events were spectacular. We
made a lot of powerful connections, met new friends, and caught up
with friends we haven't seen in a while.
Lets dive straight in.....
The postponement of the launch was for a couple purposes. We wanted
to ensure the jurisdiction we launch in is sound, that we are
properly lawyered up, and also to begin building the Permacredits
Manager App.
Ever since pushing the Launch back to the Equinox, we have been
working diligently on building a marketing campaign leading up to
Sept, adding more team members, working on the Permacredits Manager
App, building strategic relationships, writing launch docs, and
securing funding.
We have made progress in all these fronts in order to have the most
impactful launch possible.
We have gotten a verbal commitment on $700K seed round funding and
are negotiating a deal for $1.3Mil more. If you want to be a part
of this see below.
We have added some new team members, Liz Reitzig, John Bushe' ,
and Evan Stern.
Liz is a PR powerhouse and activist well know in the Farmers
Advocacy world, and co founded Farm Food Freedom Coalition. John is
one of the leading Zero Waste Experts in the country and is heading
up a very special initiative involving municipal Credits. And, Evan
is an astute businessman with a penchant for closing deals.
We have the outline for a Marketing Campaign complete with a
reality series, a television commercial, interviews, articles and
more. If you would like to be involved in this aspect see below.
We are partnering with Hive one of the easiest to use, most robust,
and secure wallets on the market for our wallet and bounty
services, growing closer with Counterparty and helping develop some
specific functions on that platform, entering into talks with
Payment Processors, connecting with Maidsafe on the Farmer
initiative, and more.
The Launch material ive been working on will include a Deck Sheet,
Instructions, a new explainer video, and a formal white paper
explaining the ecosystem completely. Expect to start seeing that
released towards the end of summer.
We have gathered a core team of Devs for the Manager App, which is
where you will log in to see all the projects, vote on them, create
and accept bounties, manage your Permacredits (and bitcoin), and
When i sit back and look at the progress we have made, im
All of this is really quite exciting actually.
If any of you have a desire to get closer to the action, want to
know how you can help, or wish to invest before the launch please
feel free to write me on whichever area of interest you have. Use
the subject: READY so it goes into the correct folder.
look forward to more updates as we grow closer to the launch.
In Service,
"Local Currency for the Global Permaculture Movement"
99 Treehouse Lane, Burnsvilel NC 28714
Xavier Hawk wrote:Hey y'all,
This is Xavier Hawk. I'm the lead on
I'm really glad you all are discussing it and have some cogent and intelligent questions.
I'd be happy to answer any questions you might have about the project.
Some points:
1. The projects that get funded are decided upon by the whole community of credits holders. There is not a small select group of old white men deciding. You will be in an ecosystem of intelligent, disruptive, creative, and genuinely invested people like yourselves who want to see a healthier more same world. Everyone who holds credits up votes and down votes the projects into the funding queue.
2. All the decisions are made in a decentralized governance app that you become a member of when you buy your first credit.
3. Whomever it was that said the funds, and processes were built on the blockchain in smart contracts was correct. The funds are controlled by "trust less" contracts that execute themselves once certain criteria are met such as: "if the project gets a 2/3 majority up vote by the community, and they get three sponsors from the council then the wallet sends them the funds to begin operations"
4. The Bitcoin funds raised during the issuance window go directly into smart contract controlled wallets whereby upon completion of the parameters the wallets immediately and automatically disputes the funds to those projects.
5. This is the first truly decentralized currency issued and controlled by the collective coherence of the people involved. Unlike other currencies which have "trusted" authorities determining the inflation rate and more, this is truly a leveling of the playing field and constructing a system whereby the people involved collectively determine the rate of inflation and number of credits issued.
6. This is not not will it ever be a privately held institution. I have already turned down several very eager VC's each offering millions of dollars worth of start up capital who wanted shares, ownership and directorship seats. I have flat out refused and even cussed one of them out. I am setting this up to be run and managed by the community. I have even built in my exit as first user. You can't buy me. I will hold a position on the council like any other and my own projects will go through the Eco system like any other. It is important that no one has any trusted position here. The only way this works is if it is decentralized.
7. There are no contracts or obligations either. When a VC firm "invests" in a project they mostly insist on managerial positions and board seats. This is not the case here. We are utilizing an ancient wisdom tradition of gifting economies. We gift each project their funds. They are not obligated not contractually obligated to pay it back. They gift surplus back. This is open and recorded on the blockchain and each organizations contributions are displayed in the permacredits app. This everyone sees the gifts coming in. Iwe recommend 15-33% profits be gifted back in like you would too a waiter. Everyone will see the amounts and a precedent will be set and become the cultural norm within the community. If two Eco villages are of equal size and scope and one gifts 20K and the other gifts 100K people will notice and crowd source solutions to help Eco village 1 reach base line optimization.
I hope all this helps.
I am really excited about the possibilities that Permacredits have to jump start the world of permaculture and decentralized human self governance.
Never before in our known history has such a global solution to debt slavery and the war machine been so available and implement able.
What is really inspiring to me is the issuance of financial instruments and currency truly being in the hands of the people. To me permacredits are the path to human sovereignty and liberation...
Now people across the globe who truly want a just and sustainable world can energetically support that worlds growth and benefit from it directly.
Again, I am open to questions. It is important to me that people understand what we have here and see who I am and what values I operate with.
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