Violet Heart : I can report on observation only ! 2 of these, Medium size, were delivered to a work site that i was at and set up and tested separate from the build !
Because this was about 90 miles above New York
City the tubes were filled with a mixture of glycerine/glycol? and
water,exactly as the Architect specified for installation
and use- Each tube is an individual section with seals that have to be perfect at each end, and there were multiple leaks, and the setup crew did not return in a timely
manner to evacuate the system and re-plumb.
Based on that little bit of experience I would recommend only using a professional crew that had done multiple installations of this equipment, With the contractor willing
to provide a guarantee of serviceability with warranted free coverall on repairs and adjustment, in a timely manner for the 1st few months, after install !
Hopefully you are a quick study, and can learn how to service and maintain this system after the Warrantee period has expired !
Also i would not simply accept delivery, and write a check, but plan my installation date for after the building site was totally ready for your
solar water heater, and agreed
to by all parties After an onsite inspection ! Add a clause for partial payments triggered by meeting construction goals and deadlines, no -deliver, drop and run!
In the building site I was at Working on an inter-connected set of (3) Yurts, construction equipment vied for space with supplies and materials and the road into the site
was a major problem !
This is not to say that this story does not have a happy ending, as my part in the build ended with the installation of the outside skin I have no idea how things worked out
Y.M.M.V. Big AL !