Ken's Guide to Frugality
What would you add to this list?
These are not Rules. It's only a guide.
1 Limit debt to a
2 Take on no other debt.
3 If you are in debt, pay it off.
4 Until you have at least 3 months of bills saved up, in cash, no superfluous spending.
Pancakes, grilled cheese sandwiches, eggs, or a bowl of Cream of Wheat is a fine meal.
6 If you have nothing, it's better than having things and debt.
7 If you have the space to store it and it has some use, don't throw it away.
8 It's OK to pick up a penny, especially when you have debt or nothing or not much.
9 One
light bulb on at a time is all you need.
10 Vanity is expensive and not worth the investment
11 Even if you are saving every penny you can, splurge on an awesome meal once a month.
12 If it will rot,
compost it.
13 Free shit is cool
14 If you must drink, once a month is the limit. More than that is a problem.
15 If you enjoy drugs, you are wasting your time with this list.
16 If you can quit the tobacco, go for it.
Shampoo is the most you need for your hair.
18 Walmart T-shirts are 4 for 10 bucks.
19 Dickies last.
20 Socks are so cheap they can be considered disposable.
21 A comfortable bed is a fine investment.
22 Get some food in the house. Buy extra, you'll use it.
23 Stocking up on food and supplies saves money.
24 Cooking from scratch is cheap, easy, and delicious.
25 Growing food is money in the bank.
26 There is nothing on TV worth watching.
27 Getting roommates is the fastest way to save money, but they have to be the right roommates.
28 Being broke is a situation. Being poor is a state of mind. Making the change from poor to broke is a choice.
29 Being rich has nothing to do with money.
30 Bread is cheap. Learning to make a decent loaf of bread is cheaper.
31 A dumpy old house that is cheap and livable is a better investment than an apartment.
32 Be at least a month ahead on the mortgage at all times.
33 Have at least
enough food in the house to get you by for 3 months.
34 Keep your paperwork neat, tidy, and organized at all times.
35 An awful job is better than going hungry.
36 Develop an income source that is independent from your job.
37 Do what you have to do when you have to do it so you can do what you want to do the rest of the time.
38 Learn to cook beans from scratch.
39 Learn to make pasta from scratch.
40 As soon as you can, get some
41 Dependable transportation
42 Don't buy cheap crap unless it needs to be disposable.
43 If you don't need it to survive, don't buy it.
44 Buy used but in good condition.
45 If you can't buy it outright then you can't afford it.
46 Stop trying to keep up with the Joneses
47 My grandmother NEVER went on vacation.