Idle dreamer
Jay Green wrote: Can't really expect a weasel or snake to clear out the rodents feasting on your chicken feed when there are so many delectable eggs and chickens in the same room, now can we?
Idle dreamer
Tyler Ludens wrote:
Jay Green wrote: Can't really expect a weasel or snake to clear out the rodents feasting on your chicken feed when there are so many delectable eggs and chickens in the same room, now can we?
Actually, I can.![]()
I should mention I consider myself an extreme case of "live and let live." I feel that critters are under such attack all over (one of my neighbors even sprays herbicide on native fruit trees because they attract raccoons), I think I need to provide as much a chance as possible for as many native critters to live as possible, even if it is inconvenient to me. I know this is not a common attitude. I don't even like to free-range my chickens because they kill frogs, lizards, snakes, and toads (as do cats, of course).
Idle dreamer
Tyler Ludens wrote: I live in a place with TONS of "pests" (so called). We try to provide conditions for the natural predators (many of which are also considered "pests") to flourish.
In my opinion the system can't balance itself if there is an unbalancing pressure on it in the form of cats. Cats eliminate (by killing) and displace the natural predators which would balance the system. With cats in the niche which natural predators would occupy, the natural predators may never be able to fill that niche, as it is already filled.
Idle dreamer
elated: I REALLY REALLY wish we had coyotes again. Really really. Each one is worth, ecologically speaking, 30 - 50 of our worst meso-predators. That would fix a lot of problems... including excess outdoor cats.
John Polk wrote:Birds can fly; cats cannot.
If an occasional bird gets eaten, he was probably not the keenest in the flock.
The flock is probably better off without him in their gene pool.
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"Study books and observe nature. When the two don't agree, throw out the books" -William A Albrecht
"You cannot reason a man out of a position he has not reasoned himself into." - Benjamin Franklin
Cliff (Start a rEVOLution, grow a garden)
Alison Freeth-Thomas wrote:Interesting that Bill is against cats and yet most permaculturists (probably Bill included) would welcome ducks. So, on the positive - cats get rodents, ducks get slugs/snails. On the negative - Cats get birds but ducks get frogs/frogspawn, toads/toadspawn, small fish, worms. I read that other day that ducks are totally destructive to pondlife. Maybe ducks are as destructive as cats yet no-one badmouths the duck!
Idle dreamer
len gardener wrote:
on the cruel side of things, cats are not a natrual creature they have been Xbred and hybradised if you like, and we have bread teh curr of thrill killing into them, once a cat return from being the domestic animal it is back to wild ferel status it cannot then be re-tamed, but its thrill killing lust continues, it is the same with domestic dogs, they too will chase and catch if they can all native critters only thing with a dog is they are a whole lot more easier to contain than a cat. the domestic cat is cruel in its thrill kill role, it does not obviously need food as a household pet, and unlike a dog is very hard to train in any obedience.
"Study books and observe nature. When the two don't agree, throw out the books" -William A Albrecht
"You cannot reason a man out of a position he has not reasoned himself into." - Benjamin Franklin
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len gardener wrote: they thrill kill, wild animals kill for survival cats kill because they can
if they are fed well? then they are thrill killers why else would they do it but for fun.
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