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Tim Southwell
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Building the old waste places, raising up foundations, repairing the breach, restoring paths to dwell in.
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“The best things in life are nearest: Breath in your nostrils, light in your eyes, flowers at your feet, duties at your hand, the path of right just before you. Then do not grasp at the stars, but do life’s plain, common work as it comes, certain that daily duties and daily bread are the sweetest things in life.” Robert Louis Stevenson
Samantha Langlois
Fred Morgan wrote:We home schooled our kids part of the time. Our daughter went back to public school for high school because she was heading into hard science. Being so far ahead, she took a lot of AP courses and entered into WPI with sophomore standing at age 17, last year she finished her Phd in Physics.
Many Blessings, Alicia
"I - am a thoughtful guy. I think alotta thoughts; about alotta things." Rhett and Link
Michigan girl in Oz, soon to be back in the US.
Many Blessings, Alicia
Marisol Dunham wrote:I'm currently looking to read up more on the pro's and cons of homeschooling versus going to a school. I would love to hear everyone's thoughts on this. Also, if you have any suggestions on where to get more information, I would love it.
Not sure I'll be able to actually 'home school' myself, as it's looking like I will have to be the primary breadwinner outside of the home. So I'm currently thinking about online school, and just wanting to hear people's experiences on the whole spectrum.
Many Blessings, Alicia
Alicia Winkler wrote:
Marisol Dunham wrote:I'm currently looking to read up more on the pro's and cons of homeschooling versus going to a school. I would love to hear everyone's thoughts on this. Also, if you have any suggestions on where to get more information, I would love it.
Not sure I'll be able to actually 'home school' myself, as it's looking like I will have to be the primary breadwinner outside of the home. So I'm currently thinking about online school, and just wanting to hear people's experiences on the whole spectrum.
Hello Marisol. Are you in the US?? I don't think I could help much out of the country. Here in the US, online schools are plentiful. They can be private schools or public school online. Either way, I feel like they are both still not really homeschool. Also, neither appeal to me. The whole purpose of homeschooling my children is that I have control over their education. You would have to weigh the pros and cons carefully and decide.
Michigan girl in Oz, soon to be back in the US.
Many Blessings, Alicia
Don't go into the long grass, or the tiny ads will get you.
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