Leah Sattler wrote:
diabolical....evil......and an excellent idea!!! ....to have on the back burner at least......I was a bit confused as to how the firecrackers were being used toogot it now!
an old wivestale way of breaking dogs of chicken killing is to tie a dead chicken around their neck and make them carry it around for awhile.......maybe I should send the pooches home with a dead chicken on purpose
I don't neccesarily think it would work but it might send a message
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Marilene Richardson
Director, SongCroft Self-Sufficiency Skills Apprenticeship Programs
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~Certified Nutcase
There's a universe of justice and the eyes of truth are always watching
Feral wrote:
Pepper spray??? Skunk scent in a bottle???
Mr. Wright wrote:
I was a cop for a few years, and they always warned us that Pepper Spray, if it gets on their nose or into their airways will shut it up really fast. Pepper Spray was always considered last resort for us when dealing with dogs.
On the issue with the man with the Pistol, This is America, and he is on his property. I regularly go out with my shotgun, or if I'm going out to the woods I bring my .357. I personally see nothing wrong with carrying a firearm. From my time as a soldier to my time as a cop, I never once got scared when I saw a fellow citizen with a firearm. I assume the best intentions in people when I know they carry firearms. You know how the saying goes, Liars think everyone around them are liars too, same thing with saints.
You can easily build a trap (non-lethal) for those dogs. Id do that, bring back the dogs to the neighbors, or if you 'have to', to the sheriff/animal control officer. Once you settle things out, you have an animal trap for use on pesky critters.
Professor of Thermal and Electrical Engineering, Welding/metallurgy: Licenses: PE license, Mechanical license Variety of other "certifications" from industry groups such as Refrigeration Service Engineers Society http://www.rses.org/, ASHRE http://www.ashrae.org/ Ect.
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