I am wanting to try a 3 sisters garden again this year (last year failed miserably). I am getting a late start and just want to make sure that it's not too late to get the corn planted. I will be using Reid's Yellow Dent Corn in case that matters and I will planting in Dallas Texas. I am hoping to get it done by this weekend. When would be too late to start?
Brandon, I really don't think it should be too late. People grow corn a lot further north than you or me, in places where I would think there's still some frost danger at this time of year. (Heck, we had a hard freeze last year on April 15, and I saw plenty of corn growing around here last summer.)
Look for a variety that says "early" as it will mature quicker. Last year I grew Conqueror and sowed 17th April, planted out 10th May under bottle cloches, we can have frosts in May. Got a great crop (kids:"oh no Mum, not MORE sweetcorn!") This year have sown Lark a week earlier, but I've got bigger bottles this year!
Better not be, because we can't even put ours in until almost June. Granted, this isn't really corn country. We have to stick to the short season varieties that don't need a lot of heat. If you're able to start now, anything that's even moderately quick should do fine for you, I'd think.
We just started our first of seven rows of three sisters last weekend and we do not forsee any issue. Do you have dogwoods down in TX? Perhaps it is an old wive's tale but we always follow the country wisdom of starting your corn when the dogwoods start blooming and we have always found that to work out well. So much so that we will be planting a dogwood tree guild as soon as we can find a place for it.
Brandon, it is definitely not to late to plant corn in your area. We won't be planting ours until next month and we are even with or close to Amarillo on the latitude lines.
Arkansas Corn growers plant anywhere from March 15 through may 31st. I would expect you could do the same unless you are down around Brownsville.
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Thanks everyone...That's good news indeed. What is the limiting factor for determing when it's too late? I'm guessing it has to do with getting the harvest before the first freeze, is that assumption right?
It'll give you the dates of the first and last cold days of the year in your area and count the days out too. If your season isn't cut in the middle by excess heat or drought, there should be absolutely no concern on growing corn this early. I don't even start planting until the first weekend in May. Yes, the limiting factor would be your first frost, -125 days or so, depending on corn variety, germination time, and harvest time.
Sweet corn takes 60 to 90 days to reach harvest depending on variety, aka you only need 3 months so you can plant as late as september(in theory) if you are in zone 8b texas
Iterations are fine, we don't have to be perfect
My 2nd Location:Florida HardinessZone:10 AHS:10 GDD:8500 Rainfall:2in/mth winter, 8in/mth summer, Soil:Sand pH8 Flat
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