So, it's Christmas Eve, and we just got home from church. The pizzas are in the
oven and I just cracked open a coldie. Kids have a Christmas show from Netflix on the TV. Good times!!
Oh, yeah, gotta go check the
chickens and shut the door on the coop. It's dark out, but I reach my hand around in the
straw and start collecting eggs. The girls have come into full maturity this month, and we're getting good quality, consistent large eggs. We're averaging about 1 egg per day x 9 hens. I feel something cold and wet and a little slimy in the dark. Shit! I just put my hand in
chicken shit and I'm still in my church clothes. Gather more eggs. Dammit! There's that pile of chicken shit again. No, wait. It's not chicken shit. It feels like something else! What is it?
Well, come to find out. It's an egg. A jelly egg. I mean it has a shell, but it's about like a soft shell crab, if any of you have eaten a soft shell. It's in an egg shape. The container holds the egg-stuff inside, but it's not an egg. It's a jelly egg.
I don't even know how to begin researching this one.
Has anyone ever had a chicken lay a jelly egg? What's it called? What do I do?