I am the founder of Great Lakes Permadynamics, Follow along to see what we are up to this week!Our Website! Discover Permadynamics My Episode with Diego Footer From The Permaculture Voices Podcast. If you want to help us out, follow us and like us on social media, THANK YOU! Facebook Twitter Instagram Check out some of my threads! Horrors of Sheet Mulch My Tiny Home Quitting the Rat Race With No Savings Our Homestead Compost Tea Made Easy
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."-Margaret Mead "The only thing worse than being blind, is having sight but no vision."-Helen Keller
" With all the changes, nothing changes, no matter what you're told."
I am the founder of Great Lakes Permadynamics, Follow along to see what we are up to this week!Our Website! Discover Permadynamics My Episode with Diego Footer From The Permaculture Voices Podcast. If you want to help us out, follow us and like us on social media, THANK YOU! Facebook Twitter Instagram Check out some of my threads! Horrors of Sheet Mulch My Tiny Home Quitting the Rat Race With No Savings Our Homestead Compost Tea Made Easy
I am the founder of Great Lakes Permadynamics, Follow along to see what we are up to this week!Our Website! Discover Permadynamics My Episode with Diego Footer From The Permaculture Voices Podcast. If you want to help us out, follow us and like us on social media, THANK YOU! Facebook Twitter Instagram Check out some of my threads! Horrors of Sheet Mulch My Tiny Home Quitting the Rat Race With No Savings Our Homestead Compost Tea Made Easy
"Also, just as you want men to do to you, do the same way to them" (Luke 6:31)
I am the founder of Great Lakes Permadynamics, Follow along to see what we are up to this week!Our Website! Discover Permadynamics My Episode with Diego Footer From The Permaculture Voices Podcast. If you want to help us out, follow us and like us on social media, THANK YOU! Facebook Twitter Instagram Check out some of my threads! Horrors of Sheet Mulch My Tiny Home Quitting the Rat Race With No Savings Our Homestead Compost Tea Made Easy
Kathleen Crittenden wrote:Travis,
I'd really like to hear more about you have implemented Korean natural farming. My husband and I took training in it in the Philippines, but have had difficulty translating what we learned to a cold-weather climate. We knew it could be done (Korea has cold winters) but have had trouble finding practitioners in cold-climate U.S.
I am the founder of Great Lakes Permadynamics, Follow along to see what we are up to this week!Our Website! Discover Permadynamics My Episode with Diego Footer From The Permaculture Voices Podcast. If you want to help us out, follow us and like us on social media, THANK YOU! Facebook Twitter Instagram Check out some of my threads! Horrors of Sheet Mulch My Tiny Home Quitting the Rat Race With No Savings Our Homestead Compost Tea Made Easy
I am the founder of Great Lakes Permadynamics, Follow along to see what we are up to this week!Our Website! Discover Permadynamics My Episode with Diego Footer From The Permaculture Voices Podcast. If you want to help us out, follow us and like us on social media, THANK YOU! Facebook Twitter Instagram Check out some of my threads! Horrors of Sheet Mulch My Tiny Home Quitting the Rat Race With No Savings Our Homestead Compost Tea Made Easy
Travis Schulert wrote:
I built a greenhouse for around 90 dollars. Used salvage wood and bought the pvc and plastic. I will make another post this weekend and put a link into this thread about how i did this cheap greenhouse.
We made almost 10k up front from our csa, that will def get debt paid off quicker.
Jonathan Krohn wrote:
Travis Schulert wrote:
I built a greenhouse for around 90 dollars. Used salvage wood and bought the pvc and plastic. I will make another post this weekend and put a link into this thread about how i did this cheap greenhouse.
We made almost 10k up front from our csa, that will def get debt paid off quicker.
Hi Travis, thanks for the various posts! I just read your greenhouse post. Thanks much for the reports from the field! My family has been discussing some sort of hoophouse or caterpillar tunnel (Jean-Martin Fortier's term) recently, so it's great to hear what others are trying.
If you don't mind some prying from someone who is hoping to make a living farming in the next few years, was the 10k your first year gross income or net profit? I've been reading a lot about farming as a business and will be interning with a farm this summer, so I'm curious what your initial financial results have been, if you don't mind sharing.
I am the founder of Great Lakes Permadynamics, Follow along to see what we are up to this week!Our Website! Discover Permadynamics My Episode with Diego Footer From The Permaculture Voices Podcast. If you want to help us out, follow us and like us on social media, THANK YOU! Facebook Twitter Instagram Check out some of my threads! Horrors of Sheet Mulch My Tiny Home Quitting the Rat Race With No Savings Our Homestead Compost Tea Made Easy
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."-Margaret Mead "The only thing worse than being blind, is having sight but no vision."-Helen Keller
I am the founder of Great Lakes Permadynamics, Follow along to see what we are up to this week!Our Website! Discover Permadynamics My Episode with Diego Footer From The Permaculture Voices Podcast. If you want to help us out, follow us and like us on social media, THANK YOU! Facebook Twitter Instagram Check out some of my threads! Horrors of Sheet Mulch My Tiny Home Quitting the Rat Race With No Savings Our Homestead Compost Tea Made Easy
I am the founder of Great Lakes Permadynamics, Follow along to see what we are up to this week!Our Website! Discover Permadynamics My Episode with Diego Footer From The Permaculture Voices Podcast. If you want to help us out, follow us and like us on social media, THANK YOU! Facebook Twitter Instagram Check out some of my threads! Horrors of Sheet Mulch My Tiny Home Quitting the Rat Race With No Savings Our Homestead Compost Tea Made Easy
In order to save money for the land, I lived in my camper van on the streets of Vancouver, usually parking in front of a friend's place, near one of the group homes I was working at, or near a large recreation complex (for showers and relaxation).
Definitely. This is something that I struggle with because I want the whole project complete NOW! but I have to tether that beast, or I go insane. The most important thing for me is eliminating the debt. I'd love to do other things with my cash, and develop so much more, but... gotta focus.I believe that there is such thing as trying to accomplish too much in too short a time.
It's not actually legal in Vancouver anymore, and as a result I moved around a lot, or stayed in one place unless someone gave me a complaint-this only happened twice. Both times, I unknowingly parked in sensitive places; one near an elderly ladies house, and one near an in home childcare place. In both cases I was asked to leave rudely (by the old lady's son, and by a guy dropping his toddler off), but after a discussion they were made to understand why I was there, and I was made to understand why they didn't want me there. I did leave, but I made my peace first. For the last year that I was there, I parked in the alley driveway (which is completely legal) of a friend in a super ritzy area; it was hilarious to wake up and get out of my van and get my bike from my buddy's shed, and see these Porches, Jaguars, BMW's and the lot coming out of heated garages; the neighborhood in general was not impressed by my presence (from what I heard), but I was not concerned to impress them, and none of them ever talked to me about it. I learned to use my van mostly as a bedroom and sometimes kitchen. The forest and beaches were my living room in good weather, and the rec centers and libraries were the living room in bad weather.love how this is legal in vancouver. it's not in the US, but if no one finds you then =P
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."-Margaret Mead "The only thing worse than being blind, is having sight but no vision."-Helen Keller
Roberto pokachinni wrote:
Hi Leila,
It's not actually legal in Vancouver anymore, and as a result I moved around a lot, or stayed in one place unless someone gave me a complaint-this only happened twice. Both times, I unknowingly parked in sensitive places; one near an elderly ladies house, and one near an in home childcare place. In both cases I was asked to leave rudely (by the old lady's son, and by a guy dropping his toddler off), but after a discussion they were made to understand why I was there, and I was made to understand why they didn't want me there. I did leave, but I made my peace first. For the last year that I was there, I parked in the alley driveway (which is completely legal) of a friend in a super ritzy area; it was hilarious to wake up and get out of my van and get my bike from my buddy's shed, and see these Porches, Jaguars, BMW's and the lot coming out of heated garages; the neighborhood in general was not impressed by my presence (from what I heard), but I was not concerned to impress them, and none of them ever talked to me about it. I learned to use my van mostly as a bedroom and sometimes kitchen. The forest and beaches were my living room in good weather, and the rec centers and libraries were the living room in bad weather.love how this is legal in vancouver. it's not in the US, but if no one finds you then =P
I am the founder of Great Lakes Permadynamics, Follow along to see what we are up to this week!Our Website! Discover Permadynamics My Episode with Diego Footer From The Permaculture Voices Podcast. If you want to help us out, follow us and like us on social media, THANK YOU! Facebook Twitter Instagram Check out some of my threads! Horrors of Sheet Mulch My Tiny Home Quitting the Rat Race With No Savings Our Homestead Compost Tea Made Easy
Travis Schulert wrote:Hey, Inge, thanks for sharing. Thats Awesome! So happy you are producing good food.
One thing i would worry about is that most vegetables you buy from store or market you really cant trust the seeds to produce anywhere true to type. Most commercial varieties are f1 hybrids and will not have very healthy or consistent offspring. Your space could be much more productive using real solid genetics, then you can save the seed from most of that.
I have however had some good random squash crosses in my compost piles. That not only looked good but tasted good. But my main crop i primarily use varieties that i have kept the genetics true. I have made some new varieties of lettuce and spinach bc thwy are easy to cross and very stable. With tomatoes and peppers you can get plants that dont even produce fruit and that becomes wasted space more or less. Your plan works fine if you have lots of acreage, but is unproductive with small spaces.
"Also, just as you want men to do to you, do the same way to them" (Luke 6:31)
Travis Schulert wrote:The Gov doesn't seem to like people who have figured out how to get by in the world without debt and a "paycheck" type job. Hence all the laws recently passed to stop these people. If you are not a good sheep the world has no use for you... At least that's the impression I got from the tiny home life.
Check out my next door neighbors house below, and tell me how on earth we are going to get along? He is just finishing construction and moving in soon, and I'm next door in my tiny house living like (what I presume he thinks to be) a vagrant. Little does he know I have a good job and am doing this out of choice rather than obligation. It is just to save money and make a smart investment for my future.
When the season is really rocking for your garden, invite him over for a bbq or a supper. I'm not sure if you are assuming his thoughts based on his choice to go big on the house, or if you have some other reason for thinking his thoughts for him.Check out my next door neighbors house below, and tell me how on earth we are going to get along? He is just finishing construction and moving in soon, and I'm next door in my tiny house living like (what I presume he thinks to be) a vagrant.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."-Margaret Mead "The only thing worse than being blind, is having sight but no vision."-Helen Keller
Sometimes even if you do have a job. This is very clear if you try to cross the U.S. border and they ask you for your bank statements, or proof that you have job. I can't remember how much money they expected me to have for each day that I expected to be in the U.S.,but it was ridiculous. I hadn't spent that much money in any four days in my life. Like some young guy is such a huge threat to their economy! It's crazy. One time I was nearly refused and had so many hurdles that the next time I went I had a bank statement, with proof of my paychecks coming in, and they looked at their screens and looked at this and said, "Thank you for providing this, this time." which said to me that their was some kind of flag on my profile from the last time. If every yuppie going over to by cheap Nikes was asked for all this crap, and getting such a hassle when they crossed the border, the line ups would back all the way from Downtown Vancouver to the Peace Arch! One time I drove to the border in my camper van in hopes of picking up a lady who was flying in from St Louis to meet me. We were going to go snowshoeing and tent camping by some hot springs in the Olympic Peninsula. The plan was completely foiled as the border goons could not only not comprehend winter camping, they could not wrap their narrow minds around the idea that I had not pre-booked a hotel for this person to stay in upon arrival. Meanwhile the van was being strip searched and bulk dumped onto tables, which I had to re-pack. I was turned away for no good reason, and drove back into Canada (and had to deal with Canada border customs because it's a limbo border land area where I was turned back), and once I jumped through all the Canada side's hoops, I drove to White Rock to call her (thankfully still in St Louis) to tell her that she would have to take a bus from Seattle to Vancouver. It was a crazy way to make a first impression. I hate senseless bureaucracy.The Gov doesn't seem to like people who have figured out how to get by in the world without debt and a "paycheck" type job.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."-Margaret Mead "The only thing worse than being blind, is having sight but no vision."-Helen Keller
I am the founder of Great Lakes Permadynamics, Follow along to see what we are up to this week!Our Website! Discover Permadynamics My Episode with Diego Footer From The Permaculture Voices Podcast. If you want to help us out, follow us and like us on social media, THANK YOU! Facebook Twitter Instagram Check out some of my threads! Horrors of Sheet Mulch My Tiny Home Quitting the Rat Race With No Savings Our Homestead Compost Tea Made Easy
I could tell you about the time I was strip searched at the L.A. airport on my way back from Guatemala... but I digress. Didn't mean to take this off topic. I find the least hassled way to cross borders is on a greyhound. Except the time that I first crossed the border in my adult years with my buddy and our bikes and all our gear in boxes on the greyhound, heading to mexico for a tour. What a hassle! I thought they were going to cut our bike frames looking for drugs! Anyway... enough digression. Your thread topic is too important, for this trivial walk down memory lane.Try flying next time, its way easier these days wink wink!
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."-Margaret Mead "The only thing worse than being blind, is having sight but no vision."-Helen Keller
I am the founder of Great Lakes Permadynamics, Follow along to see what we are up to this week!Our Website! Discover Permadynamics My Episode with Diego Footer From The Permaculture Voices Podcast. If you want to help us out, follow us and like us on social media, THANK YOU! Facebook Twitter Instagram Check out some of my threads! Horrors of Sheet Mulch My Tiny Home Quitting the Rat Race With No Savings Our Homestead Compost Tea Made Easy
Travis Schulert wrote:Lol no worries Rob, we will just have to make a thread about all the cop trouble some of us have had over the years. That should be a good one.
I am the founder of Great Lakes Permadynamics, Follow along to see what we are up to this week!Our Website! Discover Permadynamics My Episode with Diego Footer From The Permaculture Voices Podcast. If you want to help us out, follow us and like us on social media, THANK YOU! Facebook Twitter Instagram Check out some of my threads! Horrors of Sheet Mulch My Tiny Home Quitting the Rat Race With No Savings Our Homestead Compost Tea Made Easy
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."-Margaret Mead "The only thing worse than being blind, is having sight but no vision."-Helen Keller
I sort of tried that route a few times, but it didn't seem to help me. On the bike trip search I looked pretty normal, but as a couple of young guys who admit to quitting their jobs and leaving their apartments behind them for an extended tour in Mexico... it was just too tasty a fish for them to pass up I guess. They did shine flashlights down our seat tubes... I was thinking that they were going to get hacksaws out.I always try to look as boring, "safe" and normal over the years
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."-Margaret Mead "The only thing worse than being blind, is having sight but no vision."-Helen Keller
"Also, just as you want men to do to you, do the same way to them" (Luke 6:31)
I am the founder of Great Lakes Permadynamics, Follow along to see what we are up to this week!Our Website! Discover Permadynamics My Episode with Diego Footer From The Permaculture Voices Podcast. If you want to help us out, follow us and like us on social media, THANK YOU! Facebook Twitter Instagram Check out some of my threads! Horrors of Sheet Mulch My Tiny Home Quitting the Rat Race With No Savings Our Homestead Compost Tea Made Easy
Travis Schultz wrote:Check out my next door neighbors house below, and tell me how on earth we are going to get along?
Police line, do not cross. Well, this tiny ad can go through:
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