Shenanigans of the sheep and wooly sort.. And many more..
Papa always says, "Don't go away angry... just go away."
The Alaska Board of Game will consider a proposal that would require goat and sheep owners to have permits in order to prevent the unintentional spread of disease into wild sheep populations.
The proposal sets to eliminate domestic sheep and goats from the "Clean List" and any person in possession of those animals must obtain a permit from the department with stipulations if they are located within 15 air miles of Dall sheep habitat. Those animals within the set distance must bve contained within a department-approved facility, and certified disease free upon availability of testing.
This aims to address the issue concerning domestic sheep proven to carry a disease that is transmissible, and devastating to wild sheep populations. Particularly, with the rapid growth of hobby farming in Alaska in areas considered Dall sheep habitats.
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Marilynn Methven wrote:They should just fence in the wild sheep and make sure they cannot wander into areas the guides dont want them to go.
Idle dreamer
Marilynn Methven wrote:Up here in Alaska we are having some problems with the Board of Game wanting to remove sheep and goats from the clean list to stop any possible contact with the wild sheep to prevent spread of disease. They have all their science and are certain we should give up our sheep and goats so they can continue to do their hunts. I spoke before the board as well as several other farmers up here. Has anyone else had trouble with this. We are being told sheep are dying all over the place down there in the lower forty-eight. Many people use these animals for meat, milk and improving soil... clearing brush and keeping it clear. Also for fiber. We have some pretty upset and discouraged people here. Please think of us as you go through out your day. If you are the praying type, please pray they dont take our animals away from us.
We can green the world through random acts of planting.
A new kitten. What are we gonna name it? How about tiny ad?
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