I believe it's one of the redbuds -- those leguminous seed pods look right and the leaf shape is very familiar. There are a few different ones though, and I couldn't begin to home in on which one.
yes I think possibly a Cercis too. There is a Cercis siliquastrum , Judas tree, at the plant nursery where I work that looks just like that, with last years pods still hanging inside it.
The leaf is not quite catalpa and maybe not big enough, but the seed pod is the clincher, IMO. It's flat, looks like a legume. Catalpa seed pod is long and skinny and round. This time of year here in western Colorado, the seed pods on the catalpa tree are still green. So I second the redbud idea
Best luck: satisfaction
Greatest curse, greed
Yes, of course, and I accept that blame. In fact, i covet that blame. As does this tiny ad: