doug bullock, why don't you get a group of untrained less middle
class workers and see how they work, all those youths who get into trouble on the street. aññ the classes get done down either they are those usless good for nothing street kids or they are the spoilt children of mama and papa. Either you get mature workers and ones of renown or you get ot luck and i dont know of any socail group that is composed of all good workers. bit is bad to talk about hw no good the poor are they dont have much to start with and if you go for them verbally then they end up with less and it is bad to call the middle class lazy to, the lless afluent may hate the more afluent but they copy them and if you emphasis how lazy they are you will geteveryone else sittign around in bikinis bitching all day if they can. Any way when the middle class becomes lazy it loses out they are usually pretty hard working, everyone is it is part of age to work more and more.
experience is that class has not much to do with how hard a youth might work, having parents who make their children work does not depend on class it is depends on how your family is, maybe how spoilt your parents are, if they are spoilt they will get the chidlren doing a lot. If you wqnt children to do well at school it is better not to make them do chores. The chidren who get used to being the ones who do things do all the chores at home, will do the work for their children, who as a result are spoilt and will then get their children to work for them, so you have to hit on the right generation if you want good slaves, though some children in one family can have been made to do a lot more menial work than other brothers and sisters, so there is no simple equation fo rknowing who will work and who wont.
There are hard realities that have nothing to do with the physical conditions of life the conditions type human basic necessities, if you dont work you wont eat, they have to do with our fellow inhabitantes on this planet and they are ugly and they are not ugly because others are selfish but because of even worse traits like being absolute determination to dominate and others, to impose your own way of doing things and people o fhtis type are often cruel and they abound.
I basic part of this cruel reality is people dont teach you things when you are adult, it may even be that their exist schol teachers who dont really want others to learn, that is a factor that is not usually turned over when considering the worth of teachers, imagine a teacher who believes that we dont want too many highly qualified people around and that way of thinking is a very common in adult life, so why
should not it exist at school? It is an idea that makes their job redundant but while they don't mention it what does that matter and they will be keeping the children off the streets.
There are things called trade secrets people dont tell the secrets of their trade. There are also mecanisms that keep the class structure in place that have to do with not passing on information, that are not even very counsciouse, like it might be possible to just imagine a great porcentage of the population would not be interested in knowing what you know.
having a highly able population i sgood for a country it is not good for the individual who wants to make sure no one competes for his job. cpontries need people who take risks who start new businesses families need people who take the safest path.
i dont know how people justify not passing on information, maybe they think to themselves this god sort of people aren't intereted in much but foot ball. or make up, or think they would not understand whatever, that it would bore them and such. I imagine Martin Luther King would say, teach them even if it bores them, it is your responsability to pull others up with you. I have heard a bit about what he used to say but i have not studied him.
I have heard, as a reason for not passing on information in adult life, peple say, I read it for myself so you must read it for yourself, great i lopk after the children make sure the grannies dont get bored and cook while you read the news papar and then say i can read it for myself. Each person reading it for themselves is a time consuming way of pulling up the abilities of the group, it is much qucker to pass on information you have digested to others while you show them how to do it, than for them to read it up. It is helpfull to a group if each one reads an article say and they comment on the different articles at lunch. if each one reads five articles tha ti sa lot mor ehard work htan hearing about them, when you write an article you have to put in all the details so that people, maybe the editor of the paper, can see its true, if you pass on the information you read that is often not the case.
I pass on what I know and when those i know dont do the same by me that is a disadvantage to me, i consider it an uncaring attitude on their part, if you care for someone you don't want people to think they are ignorant. Even if youdon't care for them it is mean to leave them looking ignorant.
I have found people in all classes who have been educated to stand up for their rights to such a degree they are untreatable, maybe more in what used to be called working class, any middle class parent who is intelligent wants the children to learn so they are less likely to bring them up to refuse to be taught anything by anyone. Though the minute you are more reasonable in any way your chances of being the boss are reduced so bringing up your children to be teachable is not totally intelligent.
Those who are educated to stand up for their own rights an di know people who woudl be furiouse if you asked them to pick fruit without paying htem unless knowing you ere to their advantage in some way, are those who have had the, "don't let anyone tell you what to do" sort of education, or "you are as good as anyone and dont let anyone tell you any different" an attitude that creates some arrogant people who are unteachable, it is not only that they are unteachable, it is that you can't even talk to them, you can't even mention your point of veiw without being accused of trying to change them.
To talk more of crude realities, those in the population who keep their headds up keeping other peoples heads down, as well as not telling you things, will punish you if you insist on going on mentioning your own points of veiw. they wil try to keep you ignorant and try to stop your mouth. A crude realitiy is i get up because i keep you down, you are intelligent well how about making sure no one ever gets to find this out, how about frightening you and conditioning you to keep your mouth shut, and making sure that you learn nothing new by keeping you too busy to learn and out of the way of hte ocnversation of others to make sure you learn nothing from them. tThose last two are the ploys cathy's brother uses to shut down Heathcliff when the brother becomes the head of the family, they are also a normal parte of machism.
People who talk as if the harsh realities are, if you earn less you buy less, contribute to creating a smoke screen that covers the harshest of realities, other shall hold you down if they can. The book wuthering heights treats in detail multiple methods of destroying others.
People say that it is paranoic to say anything that makes social life look like the jungle it is, they pretend that to be very specific about how life is like ajungle is to express exagerated points of veiw. the whole of tha class system depends on the mechanisms i am talking about, it is that normal that it is the way the whole seething mass of less middle of the middle class is kept in place and women too.
if you get your self into the worker's seat you can do all the menial work and if you have the worse sort of boss get them nit picking what you do, the theory i sif they praise you you might give up, so you do the work and get the reputation of being a bad worker. The most prominent charicteristic of adults is their constant talk of the work they have done and leaving to one side the leisure time they have taken, it is important to establish in other peoples minds how hard you work if you want to claim rests and holidays, it is nearly the most important thing you do of all of all as an adult if you dont do it you will have a bad timeof things.
People talk about others being stupid, others aren't stupid but if you teach them that they are as good as anyone else without learning anything, if you believe that people just have things in them and education is silly, then they get stupid.
I fyou advide peope to try hard for hard task masters they may become slaves and if you teach them tnot to try for other they may become neer do