Dustin & Ping, Galt's Retreat. Voluntaryist Ecovillage
Standing on the shoulders of giants. Giants with dirt under their nails
This is all just my opinion based on a flawed memory
Dustin & Ping, Galt's Retreat. Voluntaryist Ecovillage
This is all just my opinion based on a flawed memory
Dustin & Ping, Galt's Retreat. Voluntaryist Ecovillage
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Dustin & Ping, Galt's Retreat. Voluntaryist Ecovillage
leila hamaya wrote:my ex boyfriend used to say that the areas that were covered by blackberries were areas in need of healing...that the earth itself was claiming those spots, not allowing people to access them, so that those spots would be left alone for a long time so they could self heal. maybe a bit too woo, but i think theres a good logic there anyway, it does happen that those areas tend to get a rest from human interference, it takes such effort to do anything with them...and i can see how he saw it. the earth putting up a very thorny impenetrable layer ...sort of saying leave me alone in a sort of living poetry...
it does happen out here, like the previous poster said above, that badly logged and overly logged areas tend to spring up in brambles out here...
blackberry and other berry bramble are also strongly medicinal...and the canes make excellent mulch...providing some of the harder to get nutrients when they decompose...
With appropriate microbes, minerals and organic matter, there is no need for pesticides or herbicides.
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