I need advice.
One of my hens went broody. After freaking out, I read up on it and decided to let it pass in due time.
I saw her get up to eat and drink,so i figured she was good.
Fast forward, I'm thinking "dang that when is still broody? Seems like more than 21 days.Ah well, what do i know..."
Next day, I hear the sound if a chook being harrased in the coop.
We are working on bring out her protective herding instincts,with mixed results.
She likes to chase them, but she hasnt laid a tooth on one yet.
Still, no dogs in the coop is our rule,so I call her out chastise and dominate her,and go to check on the
My brood when is lying there,looking broken.
I check,not a scratch on her,but when I put her diwn, she falls flat on her face.
I check again and she is crazy thin and light!
My wife and I are able to get her to eat a little and drink some as well,but she seems blind,and still unable to get to her feet when I left his morning.
I curse myself as a fool,thinking she was fine on her own.
I broke my no
chickens in the house rule so she could rest in air conditioned comfort,but i fear she wont recover
Any advice on
feed and hydration is welcome.
They have not been on layers rations in a while, just scraps and forage and which is probably why she couldn't stay fit- she wasn't foraging,being broody and all.
They all will be getting back on the storebought feed,but what would be best for her?
So far I have given her a broth of bread and fat,with comfrey ,mulberry and grape leaves.
She is popping,a little,which I take as a good sign.