posted 6 years ago
It's silage! well, of a sorts. Like TJ noted, you're smelling aromatic compounds from microbial activity. If hay is baled while still a little damp, and if it's in a low/no oxygen environment, it will sorta ferment. It usually happens in the center of unwrapped bales that are rolled/pressed real tight where a no oxygen environment develops. I've seen it in the center of big round bales and yes I also think it smells like tobacco. Some farmers do this intentionally, and the end product is called silage. They'll bale their hay while still a little damp, but not so damp it rots, and then wrap it in a cover so the entire bale is sits in a low/no oxygen environment. You may have seen them off in the fields on farms, a bunch of round bales laying end to end, then covered in a usually white wrapping. They kinda look like giant caterpillars to me.
"Study books and observe nature; if they do not agree, throw away the books." ~ William A. Albrecht