Katie See

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since Aug 11, 2023
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It took forever to figure out how to post a video but hopefully this works! Here it is!


<iframe class="rumble" width="640" height="360" src="https://rumble.com/embed/v6a14ov/?pub=4hfgsv" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Homemade pizza always tastes so good!
Here’s the recipe I used:
Pizza Dough
(makes 1 large round pizza plus extra for breadsticks OR one x-large cookie sheet size pizza)

Whisk together in small bowl:
1 1/3 c. hot water (105-110 degrees)
1 T. sugar
2 1/4 t. instant yeast (if using active-dry yeast set aside until foamy… up to 10 min.)

Whisk together in large bowl:
3 3/4 c. flour
1 1/2 t. salt

Make a well in the center of the flour and pour in yeast mixture. Gradually stir with a wooden spoon.

Knead dough 5 minutes. Dust with flour as necessary.
Form into ball and place in bowl with a small bit (about 1-2 T.) of olive oil.
Turn ball of dough around in bowl to coat with oil.
Cover with damp towel.

Let rise until about double (about 1 1/2 hours).
Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees.
Roll or stretch pizza dough out on baking sheet or baking stone.

Cover with toppings and bake about 15 minutes.
My sister has some sort of rash on her leg, so I tried some aloe on it.
It’s -1 degrees outside, so we had soup for supper. I thought bread sounded good with soup so I made 6 smaller loaves to go with it.(only two are pictured) I did the round ones on a pizza stone and the regular loaf one in a ceramic bread pan.Here’s the recipe I used: https://forthefeast.com/rustic-italian-bread/
I used warm water for most of the cleaning, and for the toilet I used baking soda. I know the toilet after doesn’t look that much better then before, but that stuff is stuck there, it wouldn’t come off even when my sister used chemicals.
1 month ago
On Thanksgiving it was cold outside but still clear, but then that night it snowed quite a bit. I wanted to make sure my rabbit stays warm through the winter, so I filled a cardboard box full of hay to keep him warm.
2 months ago
I currently have one rabbit, (I’m hoping to get more soon) but I store hay in 55 gallon metal drums. It’s the perfect size for one bale of hay, the hay usually lasts me a while so I only get two at a time. If you need a lot of hay at a time though it might not work super well.
2 months ago
I have been riding my bike to work two to three times a week, but the other day when I was biking up a hill on my way home it suddenly just stopped. It’s something wrong with the pedals, and might not be able to be fixed. It’s my mom’s bike from college, so I guess I can’t be surprised, but it’s kind of a bummer.
I also am wondering, for people who have experience riding in the winter, (I live in Michigan) how well do the brakes work going downhill? Do you need special tires or anything? I’m just wondering if I’ll need to drive to work instead of biking.
2 months ago