Jenna Lynne wrote:UGH! i’m very disappointed that i have to post to even be considered…i read and follow this website its threads/forums quite frequently just never had the chance to make a profile until now.
I was Paul's VA for almost a year, and a lot of the work for him was posting on permies--both behind the scenes and in the public forums. I was extremely grateful for all my
experience posting on permies. This really helped me get to know and understand how the forums work and what is going on here on permies. Through making posts, I learned how to make nice looking threads. I am quite proud of this
thread (, which I think looks rather nice--and it was all done with
BB code. Before I was even his VA, I made
this thread and
this thread, and a lot more like them. Here's a
great thread on how to improve your posts by using BB codes formatting tags.
There is a huge learning curve for being Paul's assistant. I spent a month just teaching the basics to the VAs that came after me, and they still had a lot to learn. As Paul told me, it usually takes 6 months for him to get an assistant to the point where he can ask to do something, and 90% of the time they can do it on their own. There is a lot to learn.
A large amount of high-quality posts on permies is a far better recommendation than any references or letters of reference one might have. Those posts show a knowledge of permies and what happens here on They show an ability to communicate via writing (as a VA, I did a lot of communicating via email and posts on permies!), and an ability to utilize the permies forum software, and also that they know how to follow forum rules, even when emotions get high.