Sorry if this has all been covered before:
I have a small pile of saplings, cut to 2-4 feet, mostly 1-2 inches thick, that have been drying for about 10 months. For about 8 months they were uncovered, stacked vertically against a tree. I am now experimenting with burning them in my Liberator
rocket stove. Results are disappointing: they burn, but not robustly, and are not smokeless.
I am comparing them to kiln-dried oak
kindling, which seems to be the ultimate fuel, but is costly.
Realistically, what can I expect from saplings? Do I need to season them longer, like a couple of years? Are they not as energy-dense as full-grown hardwoods? Do I need to somehow split them, de-bark them, or cut them shorter, before seasoning? Which species are inferior/worthless at the sapling stage?