I have four 15'-tall hazels (corylus allevana) growing against a wall in Chicago that I planted three years ago with the intention of coppicing them each year but first wanted to grow long, straight poles for projects, so having only cut them once, each is about 3" in diameter with about 4-5"-diam. stools beneath (give/take 1-2" for all measurements). Poles are definitely ready to.cut.
We are remodeling that side of the house this coming November and it's clear the hazels will be impacted by construction.
I know that coppicing them now while Chicago's current weather ensures their continued dormancy is safe, but I'm not sure what that means for November. They "should" be shutting down by then, depending upon temp, but I'm unsure if I
should coppice now AND relocate now while all their
energy is stored in the
root ball/stool or cut now and then wait to relocate until November. The former seems to be the best route.
What do you all think?