So, my partner and just moved into our first (rented) house! No more apartment for us, no sir, we have a garage! A front and back door! A basement! And a
yard complete with a garden plot and a few fruit
Now, we only plan to live there for a year or so, and right now autumn is just settling over the midwest, so I'm not going to be doing much except
compost building and sheet mulching right away ... but I can't just let this opportunity go to waste. I must permie-up the place at least a little bit!
A bit about the lot: the back yard is about 50' square. The garden plot is in the center at the very back of the lot (of
course!) and is overgrown with strawberries (woo hoo!) and weeds (meh). I have two pear trees near the back door and one red delicious
apple tree back by the garden. This yard floods right up by the back door in heavy rains (this is the low point for most of the block), and one of the pear trees may have
root rot from occasionally being in standing
I plan to post a sketch of my yard and brainstorm ideas here, and I would love love love any feedback you guys have.
I do have to keep in mind that this is a rental property, and while my landlord is pretty open to my doing some landscaping and would love to see me re-claim the garden, I need to plan for my eventual departure and expect the future tenant to not be as go-hung about intensively managing a system I might implement. And it has to look pretty, both for me and so my landlord doesn't freak out.
My first thoughts are: how do I deal with the water problem? Rain gardens? Terracing? Swales and ditches?