Hi Hunter; I'm a pig person not a goat person but I have been around quite a few goats. So for what its worth here's my 2 cents worth.
The deal you are being offered sounds like a good one. Like you say whats one more goat?
About your pen and the current wet weather... well if it were me, I would don my rain gear and muck
boots and go to work. Yeah working in a slicker in the rain is no fun but... IT BEATS sitting in an office pushing computer buttons all day... :) Besides when you work on a farm , you work in all weather and all hours of the day and night. Wait till your birthing at 2AM...
As far as their shelter size. I would say that depends on you. If you are planning on milking and birthing then you want a real building with
enough room for both.
If you are talking a shelter to hang out in, then it can just be a roof with 3 walls. I build mine at a 90 degree corner of the pasture.
How much will they eat ? If they are like other livestock. If you give them too much they will trash half of it.
Buy a few bales and see how long it lasts.
REMEMBER goats will try to eat anything and they can climb almost as good as a cat... Your buck may be able to reach those does with ease.