My wife and I had talked about getting
chickens "some day" when we moved back to the farm. Then, just before Easter last year my sister told us the
local farm store had their spring chicks in and asked if she could get some for our kids. We agreed even though we did not have a place to keep them once they were out of the brooder box in the basement. Nothing like a dozen
chickens in the basement to prioritize and motivate one to build a coop. Thus, a coop was built. Sadly, due to predation, only two of the original 6 layers are currently with us. The other half dozen were meat birds that went in the freezer. After we lost the rooster and one of the Rhode Island Reds, the last two hens refused to go back in the coop. A bit too traumatic I guess, and they are roosting up in the rafters of a carport where I can't even reach them. I figured they were safe
enough, and let them be.
We have wanted more
chickens, but again it seemed like a "someday" thing. You know, the "When I get a chance to clean the coop out and get it ready" kind of someday. Well, yesterday was that someday. It had to be seeing as we went to the farm store for cat food and came home with 3 Cornish Cross, a Buff Brahma, 2 Barred Rock, 2 Midnight something's, and 2 Sapphire something or others. Oh, and a goose. I wanted to get a goose.
So what pushed you to finally getting chickens?