This is a proposal which might require a brand-new section to be added to the forums. I suggested this a few weeks ago on the introducing Dale
The idea is that we could each produce a thread specific to our own projects. These threads would contain information and photographs of whatever we are working on.--- Quite often when someone posts a plan they're developing, it is immediately shot down or the conversation goes on a tangent completely unrelated to the topic at hand.--- By having these personal threads, each of us would be able to showcase our work without the sort of peanut gallery antics that sometimes go on. It would be a sort of safe zone. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Thank you Ludi for allowing me to use your example here.
Ludi Tyler took me up on the idea of creating individual threads for our projects, thus proving that she is a woman of discerning taste and intellect.
She created "Ludi's
permaculture projects." She has included a map of her place and photographs. She talks about what she has done previously, what she is doing now and about a variety of future plans.
Everyone reading that thread understands that this is her personal
permaculture diary and photo album. Because of this, no one has been silly
enough to warn her to avoid moving to Texas and people aren't dissecting her aquaponics
project as though it is simply a mental construct. It's understood that these projects are well underway and there's no turning back. So instead of discouraging rebuttals ,she is likely to receive useful positive feedback geared to helping her succeed in her endeavors.
Because it is someone's personal thread any tangential conversation can quickly be brought back to focus. We might want to rule that only that person is to post photographs so that it doesn't become a jumbled incomprehensible mess of photos from other people's projects or stuff gleaned from the Internet. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
One problem I can see with everyone having their own thread is that it might clog up the
permaculture section or the green building section or whatever other area people decide is their favorite. With constant updates and loading of photos these personal threads might tend to dominate the top of the page which would prevent people from naturally stumbling upon the hottest topics in each section. Most of us have building, growing and critter concerns going on all at the same time so I think a separate section makes sense. All of these threads would be in one section. It would be a shame if we all had to post in meaningless drivel.
I could see the personal projects section becoming extremely popular and I believe it would catch the interest of people visiting this site due to the real world projects and the photographic nature of this type of thread.
For anyone unfamiliar with
permaculture some of the other sections might be overwhelming with all the technical detail being tossed around. The personal threads would look much more like blogs or online diaries which many are familiar with.
I post all of this as a computer novice having no idea of how it would actually be accomplished. So I leave it in your capable hands for consideration.
Thank you: Dale Hodgins ----armchair forum developer.