Hi Mike,
Named cultivars of diploid species like apples and citrus, for the most part are all clones from a single parent plant. Of
course some cultivars are true to seed, but they are getting rare it seems these days. So if its a true named cultivar from our modern era, regardless of where you get them, they would all be clones. That's why most diploid species of named cultivars require pollinators, because they are all clones originating from a single parent. You can research typically pollinaton rates for your self fertile variety, and that
should let you know if you even need a pollinator. Never know, maybe it will save you from the chore fruit thinning. Myer lemons are self fertile, and they produce well
enough without cross pollinaton from an additional pollinator. Unlike apples, many citrus cultivars popular for home use are adequately self fertile, especially if they are small cultivars that can't produce aboundant fruits due to size limitations.