I've been rereading my copy of Stephen Barstow's book "Around the World in 80 Plants" before attending his coming talks in Maine and New Hampshire. On page 247 (for those of you who have this fine book....if you don't, really consider adding it to your get list!) I ran across this picture:
Wow...an onion roof!
Here's a close up:
These are Allium fistulosum, the welsh onion. They selected A. fistulosum as it can tolerate dry soil and it stores
water in its tissues so it helps avoid loosing the house during forest fires. I wonder how much selection had to be done or if welsh onion seeds from any nursery would be fine. In one of the blog posts below it is mentioned that some think this form is quite distinct after so many years of selection. Stephen probably has the roof selected plants in his collection I bet. Might be a source of seeds from the original roofs??? I'm picturing them finding a great home on some wofatis!
Anyhow, here are some links to Stephen's blog posts on this:
The Roof Onions of Gudbrandsdalen in Norway
New study of old Norwegian roof onions!