My wife recently built a house and forced me to move in with her. The low IQed rat that she hired to level the lot pushed all the top soil down a gully instead of reserving and replacing it like he was s'posed to. Now the
yard consists, in large part, of large patches of rock-hard, bare-assed red dirt that when dry has a consistency only slightly more viscous than diamond. What's worse, when it rains, it turns into a substance only slightly less viscous than strawberry
milk. The ol' double whammy-mammy in other words: I got a yard that is trying its best to go visit my neighbors and the only way to keep it from leaving is for me to put some
roots down. And roots won't grow wuff-a-damn in the stuff.
So there I sat on my
bucket full of sawdust wishing I could use an indoor toilet like all the civilized people of the world when I remembered Paul Wheaton once said (via podcast I think) that he thought that in such a yard he would like to see what would happen if one were to dig a bunch of holes, fill them with organic matter and let earthworms, Gaia, time, etc do their thing. I also remembered Jack Spirco reviewing a DVD about some dude over in Afica that did something similar and re-greened a stretch of desert. I thought to myself, well the Afican desert aint xactly SouthMississippireddirt but Brother wanted to see what would happen if . . .
Since erosion is also a problem on this patch of dirt, I combined a few different permaculturally type thingies.
First, I used my bunyip to find a contour line and dug a strategically placed ditch on contour.
Afterwards, the ditch was filled with a bunch of red oak leaves on top of which was placed a bunch of old cow manure.
The soil which came from the trench was then placed atop the cow manure and, ala the Harry Dodson duck-walk, was trod down.
The resulting
berm is only three or four inches high. I plan to rerun the same play on contour every ten feet or so starting about 20 feet from the house all the way to the edge of the woods or road.
The reason that I post this is because Brother Wheaton expressed an interest in seeing what the results would be of doing something similar to what is now in my yard. I let y'all know how it turns out.
ps - the "Preview" function seems to be out of commission on both the trusty iPhone as well as the Big Daddy Mac. Anyone else having trouble with this feature?