As a recovered dementian (that is a person who WAS in full stage, 24/7 care GONE dementia) I am the
happiest & blessed of campers since recovering my wit & wherewthall, cognitive/communicative/learning abilities, memories and focusing abilities, I must now overcome
being able to aquire proper knowledge of how to educate myself on how to understand, navigate & best use this most wondrous, informative and fun
The cause of this insidious lost of cognition made it gradually at first, picking up speed of lost abilities until I then rapidly declined to no a not being person. Because this happened as it did, I missed the development of the whole digital/online information highway happening. This meant as I have sooo miraculously & fortuitously regain normal functioning abilities, I found I had to teach myself everything about everything computer &
online navigation related.
I am needing the clearest instructions on how to get around and ooerste within the Premies site. Mighty confusioning for this gormerly GONE girl. Are there 101 instructions somewhere? And please, be kind to me since I am asking for help/guidance and tips in learning the best way to understand & properly find my way using this site. I am anything but stupid. Any inabilities I display is from just never having learned...YET!
Please do not shame me for not knowing what I need to learn. Not that long ago, I used to have to hold my hand out with coins in it for people to make change for me because I could no remember what nickels, dimes & quarter's were worth. I could not hold focus still to even remember or find words to express myself. Thank you in advance for your patience with me, I am eager to learn. Mo