My husband and I recently found this forum, much to our delight, and have been lurking around and learning a ton! Thank you all, for the wealth of inspiration, fun, knowledge and wisdom shared from all your combined experiences! This forum has already been a great resource to us. I also enjoy how kind, respectful and thoughtful the members are. I've participated in many forums and am impressed with the Respect shown here. Thank you all for being here!
My name is Jamie, and my husband is Tim, we are proud parents of 4 beautiful young children (8yrs, 4yrs, 2yrs & 6mos). We are currently living just outside Portland Oregon, working toward our dream of buying 5+ acres in South Central Missouri to homestead. It is our dream to live off grid, to nourish the Land and ourselves, to be self-sufficient, sustainable, getting back to basics, in harmony with the Land, and Thrive in a Food Forest- Permaculture Style! We are learning and absorbing information and changing our habits to better suit our desired lifestyle- being the change so that it's a smoother transition. We plan to be on the Land early Spring of 2013. We are going to build Earth-bag Dome (eco-domes) structures, and do our best to leave the Trees already on the land intact as much as possible. We don't want to disturb/destroy the established ecosystem already there, we just want to add ourselves to it We plan to add Critters to our family so that we may live as a symbiotic goo unit We'd love to steward: Goats, Chickens, Ducks, maybe Rabbits- and we plan to have a couple dogs too.
Both my husband and I grew up out in the country and moved to the city as young adults. Now that we have children and have gotten all the fun and pleasure we can out of the city we are wanting to root ourselves back to the Land. City life was fun, and now we are done! haha! I grew up in Northern California, 30+ miles East of Redding, a little place no one has ever heard of called Shingletown. It was a beautiful magikal place, with red dirt and huge trees. Hubby grew up in the corn and soy fields of Defiance OH. We miss the quiet serenity of Nature- the big bright sky- and connection to our Planet and Freedom from the "rat race". The city is just so chaotic. That and it just feels amazing to have a dream to work toward ...
“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”
― Nikola Tesla
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
― Nikola Tesla
Welcome Jamie and Tim! So glad to hear you're already enjoying and learning from permies. Looking forward to seeing posts in the future about your Missouri homestead!
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Your vision has kicked me into dreaming mode myself! Sounds like you all are full of life and a magical connection to the natural world. Welcome to the forums!!!
Jamie Yvonne
Posts: 21
Location: Now: Oregon - Early 2013: Missouri Homesteading
“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”
― Nikola Tesla
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
― Nikola Tesla
I just had the craziest dream. This tiny ad was in it.