COVID-19 is affecting all our lives. Members here have lost jobs and loved ones and it's only just starting. Uncertainty of shopping, supply chains, schools haunts us all. People are afraid. These are difficult times.
As a high-risk individual, I'm watching the news closely. But permies is my happy place I can shut out the fear of the world and focus on solutions. Everlasting solutions that are applicable today, yesterday, and tomorrow. I like to imagine, that many people seek refuge and community in these uncertain times and that permies can provide what they need.
In 40 years from now, will anyone care about COVID except as a historical footnote like the flu pandemic of 1918-19? I've been wondering, how can we transform this immediate threat into something more perennial?
We already have many, many, perhaps too many, threads about COVID. It's a worrying topic and doubly so for the moderators as we are worried for our family and friends, and in some cases, grieving. Then we come here and see some of our online friends being less than excellent with each other. It's a double dose and it's fatiguing.
My thoughts today:
here are some questions to ask yourself when starting a thread inspired by the current crisis
1. does this topic help infect brains with
2. is there a way to transform this topic into something more perennial? Something more general that would have been fun to read a year ago and just as much fun after this crisis is over?
3. is it solution-focused? Does it offer or ask for ideas to make the world a better place?
4. or is it being angry at bad guys - and if so, perhaps it's time to save the draft and sleep on it before deciding to post.
Through kindness and community, we can make permies a happy place where people can find solutions.
At this time, talking about COVID on the permies forums is okay (within the limits of the publishing standards). I'm just musing about where permies will be in 20 years and what will our future selves be interested in? Viruses are forever, but specific pandemics come and go.