I think that somebody contemplating starting down
PEP road is curious if it is true that there are people that would value PEP4 certification. Even to the point of willing their
I want this
thread to be a place where people can share their story and how they would value a person with PEP4 certification.
At the same time, I know that people might be reluctant to share because they might be flooded with people saying "YOU CAN WILL YOUR LAND TO ME! I'M AWESOME! YOU DON'T NEED PEP TO KNOW THAT I AM AWESOME, BECAUSE YOU CAN SEE THAT I CAN TYPE IT IN ALL CAPS!" I share this angle, because a previous attempt at this
led to people posting in the thread saying "give me your land."
So this thread is strictly limited to people sharing what they would appreciate in somebody that is PEP4 certified.
And for the more shy among us, I encourage you to click on the thumbs up for any post that sounds a lot like your story. And you can give pie to a post that you think REALLY resonates with your story. And maybe a few people will write posts that say "click on the thumbs up for this post if ...."