Everything in
PEP is something that can be, someday, accomplished at my place in two weeks.
Everything in PEP is stuff that can be done on half the planet.
Some things are easier if you have the right tools and circumstance.
In time, we hope to refine PEP so that it will work for even more people. And, in time, we hope that parallel programs will be developed for other climates and situations.
I hope that a few years from now there will be thousands of tiny events all over the world where people will build a few of the PEP experiences.
PEP is supposed to be challenging. When you are PEP1 certified, it
should come with a sense of powerful accomplishment. Plus it should be pretty damn impressive to Otis.
As I write this, all of the sand badges have been defined and most of the other badges have been defined. Dozens of people are working on getting PEP1 certified. And dozens of people have elected to not do a single
BB because PEP1 certification includes a BB that they feel certain they cannot complete. Otis is looking for people that will get things done despite the obstacles - so the PEP1 filter appears to be on track.
course, an alternative would be:
- go to harvard, fork over money, live there, commute to
class every day, write papers, take tests and do what those people say to do
- afterwards, get a job to pay student loans
- pay all the bills racked up while paying that money back
- save up to buy your
retirement package
- buy the
land, the house, the truck, the
tractor and have some buffer in the bank
- get PEP4 certified, mostly on your own, maybe while still in high school - find a way to do it
- get the land, the house, the truck, the tractor and a pile of coin from Otis
or another path out of millions of possible paths:
- coast, enjoy life, work a part time job to get coin once in a while, couch surf, take it easy
Life is about choices. If this is too hard, then don't do it.
Some people say they cannot do the
hugelkultur BB. That's fine, then don't do it. Others do a bunch of other BBs and look around for somebody in their area that might have some digging equipment and would be okay with a
This whole program is offered for free and might be of greater value than a harvard education. A little respect for all the people putting in a huge amount of work to make this possible would
be nice. Maybe a little help to make the program work would be nice too.
If you want to see the program expanded in some way, I suggest creating a
thread in the proper forum that makes a proposal. And if you make it really easy to adopt the change, there is a better chance it might be adopted.