"Wandering Jew" is one of those common plant names that is sometimes referred to 3 different plants (at least!) in the genus "Tradescantia" (T.), a species of spiderwort. The plant in Will P's post is T. Zebrina, the variegated variety. There is also T. fluminensis & T. pallida, both of which have other common names. Are ya confused yet? Well, I sure was when I worked in tropical plants!
Anyhoo, age & light really affect the growth of these plants in that they become leggy as they age, especially if kept indoors, under typical light exposure. The different varieties can handle varying amounts of light; but in low light, the leaves are less colorful, smaller, further apart from each other & the plant will look more like a vine over time. (As Paul described.)
Once "leggy", it's recommended to rejuvenate the plant by taking cuttings & basically start the plant over to get a bushier, more robust plant. Cuttings
root easily! T. pallida does well outdoors here in NE Okla. but you have to bring it in or take cuttings in the fall. A hard freeze will kill it, but it tolerates a light frost. My plant is a shadow of it's summertime self when it spends the winter indoors. When it gets used to the sun again (it will sunburn if you don't expose it gradually) the change in it is amazing! I am anxious to get it repotted & outdoors so it can go crazy!