Some places need to be wild
Greetings from Brambly Ridge
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Some places need to be wild
Gardens in my mind never need water
Castles in the air never have a wet basement
Well made buildings are fractal -- equally intelligent design at every level of detail.
Bright sparks remind others that they too can dance
What I am looking for is looking for me too!
"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't; you're right"
-Henry Ford
Some places need to be wild
Ruth Meyers wrote:That's always a relief. I've been very impressed by how fast they can move and even how they can climb raised beds to avoid the mower in very tall grass.
Idle dreamer
Some places need to be wild
Some places need to be wild
Some places need to be wild
I suggest huckleberry pie. But the only thing on the gluten free menu is this tiny ad:
turnkey permaculture paradise for zero monies