I'm with Joseph.....the quickest and best way to improve fuel economy is not to use it in the first place. But having said that, others have given great advice on your own particular car and issue.
Somethings I've done to cut down on
gasoline use...,.
.... When I needed to check on a pasture once a day that was 1 mile away, I walked. That's not much gas savings, but it also gave me the benefit of exercise and peace. The hectic buzz inside my head dissipated as I walked observing nature, listening to nature sounds, smelling things as I walked past. I returned home refreshed and calm.
..... I drive to town once a day (because I have a pick up route) and arrange in advance to get every other town task done along the way. So I limit gasoline use to one round trip where I pick up everything along the route plus as needed: stop at the post office, buy gasoline or propane, stop in the bank or hardware store, swing past the farm supply
yard, or whatever else. One trip. I have a neighbor down my street who makes multiple trips a day, using 3-4 times as much gas as I do.
..... We often have things that can only be done in Kona or Hilo, both of which are a 2 hour drive away. So we try to limit those trips to 4-5 times a year. And when we need to go we arrange for as much as possible to be done on the same day. Plus we will stock up on supplies that are far cheaper to buy there, such as Costco items, Walmart, Home Depot.
..... When we take a pleasure drive/at home mini vacation, we will do any of our long distance shopping on the way home.
..... We use Amazon rather than driving 2 hours to buy something we can't get in our
local small town. Living on an island with only a poorly supplied small town near by, Amazon.com is a godsend, not just for saving on gasoline. But we have reduced our long trips from 12-18 a year down to 4-5 by using Amazon.