I have spent the last year reviewing various types of propagation and I believe I have stumbled upon how to save older
trees by the propagation of the new limbs lower onto the trunks utilizing plugs.
Let me explain:
a hole is drilled into the tree 2 to 3 inches. The sized drill bit used would be about the size of the plug ( the branch you will be placing into the hole ).
If one were to use a 3/8 drill bit and then ever so lightly counter sink it so that the cambium is not breached than a 3/8 branch would be placed into the hole with the bark removed and only the cambium exposed.
Then select your branch with three good nodes. Clean off the bark and cut a flat end on one side and a slightly tapered end on the other.
Make sure to remove only
enough bark as the hole is deep. Then tap it in with the nodes pointing up.
Cover it with a good sealer of your choice.
I ran into only one
video about this technique and it appeared that it did indeed work for the latin american guy who did it for citrus.
I came across this while trying to figure out how to save some very old homestead trees on our property. Very interesting how one can repair cavities in 100 year old trees and a simple extrapolation of the technique for my needs.
I plan to do a series of photos of the technique in the next couple of weeks during our freeze and then again when our cloudy spring comes in another three months
Sua Sponte