Lee Gee wrote:Hello.
Your own little slice of heaven. Were you around a week or two ago when we had the author of "5 acres and a Dream" on board for questions? Leigh Tate, she had many wonderful posts.
These threads might prove useful.
5 Acres and a Dream posts
Sounds like you are sad about the things you love and will be leaving behind, AND so much to look forward to.
What are your plans besides, chickens, raspberries and some cuttings?
All the best on your new journey.
For all your Montana Masonry Heater parts (also known as) Rocket Mass heater parts.
Visit me at
dragontechrmh.com Once you go brick you will never go back!
Louis Fish wrote:
Hello, and thank you, Lee!
Unfortunately I was busy with the last week of work at my office job and packing things up to move that week, so I don't get a chance to participate, but I will be checking out the threads!
As for our plans, short term we will be getting new chicks- blue and black copper marans, ameracaunas, and barred rocks- plus adding a half dozen or so embden geese to sell hatching eggs and chicks/goslings. We are also anticipating or first bees, which is exciting! The long term goal is to have a permaculture apple orchard food forest with oak, birch and chestnut trees. The honey and apples will be made into mead, cider, cycers, and some melomels, and we'll be finishing hogs on the acorns, chestnuts and apple pommace from the pressings.
For personal use, well be getting meat rabbits and a small herd of dairy goats. Daughter ( just turned 10) loves birds of all kinds and has expressed interest in raising turkeys and quail. Middlest (boy, about to be 6) only has eyes for a horse. Youngest (boy, 2.5) just loves everything, he's got time to find his passion projects lol. And given my addiction to fiber crafts (I spin, knit and crochet) we'll probably end up with a mixed fiber herd (alpaca, merino, Shetland and babydoll Southdown sheep, plus some angora rabbits).
I also couldn't stop gardening if my life depended on it, and dose and I both bow hunt. I think we're set for this to be a forever home for the next few generations tbh.
thomas rubino wrote:Hi Louis; Welcome to Permies!
Congrats on getting your land! You haven't mentioned what your living shelter is, but no matter.
Do you know about rocket mass heaters? Use one tenth the wood, no smoke from your chimney, no creosote , almost no ash and no fire all night long!
Sound to good to be true???
It's not!
We have a forum here at Permies all about them. You might consider one for your home or shop.
For all your Montana Masonry Heater parts (also known as) Rocket Mass heater parts.
Visit me at
dragontechrmh.com Once you go brick you will never go back!
Grady Houger wrote:Welcome to the channeled scablands! That's a great photo, I'll be interested to hear how your growing goes in this sort of soil.
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