kent smith wrote:Dale, jjust a note: I needed to replace my old saw this year and bought a Jonsered and I am very pleased with it. I have cut about 5 cords with it and it starts easy and runs great.
John Polk wrote:Having maintained a 'fleet' of outboard motors for several years, I will say that the key to reliable operations boils down to two things.
Do not mix more fuel than you can use within a couple of weeks. I have seen a friend buy a new chainsaw, take it home, and fill it with last years gasoline. When it wouldn't run right, he took it back to the dealer (the next day) and was charged for a carburetor rebuild. The warranty does not cover misuse, and old gas is a misuse - not the manufacturer's fault.
Recoil starters are a common failure on many small engines. Using good practice here will more than double their life expectancy.
Before cold starting, s-l-o-w-l-y pull the cord through several compression strokes. This will 'prime' the cylinder with gasoline.
Release the cord, and gently pull it until you feel the motor is at full compression. Release the cord, and then pull any slack out of it. NOW you are ready to pull it and start the engine. On a properly tuned engine, it should start on the first, or second pull. Never "jerk" the cord, but gently pull all slack out of it before you give it a full pull.
If you live where ice gets in the gasoline, they sell a de-icer, but don't waste your money on it. The ice forms in whatever water (condensation) gets in the gas. Water is not soluble in gas or oil, but is soluble in alcohol (that is the primary ingredient in 'de-icer'). A 99¢ bottle of drugstore alcohol will do the same job as that $3-4 can of 'de-icer'.
4. If the saw fails to start, it is probably flooded with fuel. Squeeze the throttle to full on and pull the cord several times. I have started many saws belonging to my customers simply by dealing with flooding.
'Theoretically this level of creeping Orwellian dynamics should ramp up our awareness, but what happens instead is that each alert becomes less and less effective because we're incredibly stupid.' - Jerry Holkins
Dale Hodgins wrote:When I was about 20, I walked a saw half a mile out of the bush, where a teenager showed me what to do. The problem is so common, that it should be explained by a sticker on new saws.
It's been over a year since I've started a gas powered saw. I have 4 cordless electric saws, ranging from a little 18 volt Makita to an 80 volt Greenworks with an 18 inch bar. My Stihl long reach pole saw allows me to cut branches up to 18 feet from the ground. No more pissing around with gas and ear plugs.
Until you dig a hole, plant a tree, water it and make it survive, you haven't done a thing - Wangari Maathai
permaculture and gardener gifts (stocking stuffers?)