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Marianne Cicala wrote:Hey Rufus. No- the pond and the boulder terraces were hired out- way beyond our 60 year old abilities -lol. I found a young guy, maybe 25, who’s dad has an earthworks company, that just ventured out on his own. He’s been on heavy equipment since he was 10. That boy was fast, affordable and could probably move a penny with that equipment. I flagged it, he asked questions etc then off he went. 1 day to dig the pond and 1.5 days for the terraces.
I am use to VA compacted clay, so digging the little stuff was a breeze in the soil. Shovel, hoe and a good rake was all that I needed and happily traveled here with those.
Thanks for checking this out. When we realized we would “shelter” here, my first thought was - my seeds are in VA!!! Seeds, some bare roots (like strawberries) and some whips were the first thing I got. Toilet Paper never hit my gotta have list- hahaha! Stay safe~
Finding the hard way to do anything.
Support Ant Village Lot Efforts On Narrow Pond
Respect your superiors...if you have any. Mark Twain
At my age, Happy Hour is a nap.
Orin Raichart wrote:Glad to see you're catching rain! Did you know that for every 10'x10' square of roof, your roof will provide you 62 gallons of water per inch of rainfall?
This means if your house is 30'x20', you will collect: 30*20=600ft^2 ; 600ft^2/(100ft^2/62gal) =372 gallons for one inch of rainfall.
This means if that is a 500 gallon tank next to your house, it will overfill if you get more than two inches of rain in one storm!
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John F Dean wrote:I live pretty remotely. While fire trucks can reach me, the time frame becomes a serious question. Giving credit where it is due, the closest fire department is volunteer, but it is excellent. But no matter how good they are, time becomes a serious factor. At last count, I keep 10 fire extinguishers on the property. That includes one attached to my tractor and another to my mover. I have had to use them 3x in the past 20 years. Once, it was serious, and I used up all 10 extinguishers. I had a brand new mower go up in flames in its first 10 feet of use.....beside some tall dry grass.
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Last year, this tiny ad took me on vacation to Canada
Learn Permaculture through a little hard work