Hey folks,
I'm passing along some details here about a recent undertaking I'm engaged in. Around my area, we've got some good
native persimmons just starting to put out flower buds. Last winter, I took some hardwood cuttings of one whose lower limbs were within reach, and when I checked on them the other day, I was pleased to see that one of them has a little 2 inch
root getting to work. If it survives, it'll have been my first success with hardwood cutting propagation.
A few days ago, I took some softwood cuttings from a handful of other persimmons, along with willows that were growing nearby. I'd heard willows can root in
water, so I set them up in a
bucket with an old air stone from my ill-advised days fiddling with aquaponics. I thought it might more closely imitate the conditions of a running stream. Funny
enough, I then found this
video from Edible Acres in which he tries (and succeeds) with a similar setup (
Of the persimmons I took (whose new growth has a thorn above each petiole, which I've never known persimmons to have), I've got half in a perlite/peat/sand mix, and the other half right in there with the willows in the water. I'm doing the same with some
honey locust cuttings of about the same size.
I've goofed around with propagation enough to know some small successes punctuating otherwise consistent failure. We'll see which one this turns out to be, and I'll be happy to update folks in a month or so. In the meantime, I'd love to hear suggestions or predictions or other feedback.