I fenced my
hugelkultur and finally managed to keep my
chickens from removing the soil. I bought
straw and put it on top of the soil to help with weeds and
water retention (it is only about 8 months old and those have been a very dry 8 months, not to mention the
chickens constant effort to remove the soil down to the top
wood level) I must have gotten the wrong straw because it is growing. At first I thought it was Johnson grass, but when I pulled it out it had and seed at the bottom, and I realized it was something I haven't seen before, and must be the straw. I have just started planting my hugel, so at this point there isn't much on it. My question is do I pull the ?Straw out, or leave it and chop and drop as things start to grow. I was going to chop and drop but was reading in another unrelated post that certain cereal grains have long
roots and are hard to get rid of. I have no idea what kind of straw I have, so now I wonder if I
should go pull it all out before it can establish itself. I know it's vague information, but I would love to hear your thoughts. Thank you.