Well, I guess my intentions were good but the realities were far different! I realise I didn't keep my
thread updated and as I learned I was being retrenched in Sept I guess my focus shifted elsewhere.
I had mixed success in the garden- my strawberry, radish, beetroot, spinach, chard and kale did well but I still can't grow cauliflower or broccoli! My mesculan mix did well too and my tomatoes started great but got blight before i could harvest any. My runner beans and peas were a total disaster, no crop at all. The season before I had a bumper crop of winter squash, runner beans, peas, lettuce, tomatoes, leeks and chard. So I guess the summer was not as good this year. I also had problems with slugs decapitating my peas and beans as they were planted and those that survived were weak, pale and stringy. the few plants that did well got mildew very earl and I pulled the lot. I think the manure was not aged enough and I think this affected the nitrogen levels in the soil. But I did not do as much weeding. So a lot to think about. I also think that the high walls on all sides stopped airflow which contributed to blight & mildew. My beds still dried out and I had to water about once a week in the hot dry spells.
The secret garden was also a mixed bag. I had problems with the plants "taking" early on. They also got chopped down by slugs. Those that survived(and these were on the left side which got more sun) did OK-not as good as the ones I planted and trained upward in my garden the previous year-once they got going they spread everywhere and fruited but again, the slugs had a field day! I never watered or weeded once though. I will definitely do this again but not enclosed by walls which restrict the sunlight and I will put down my straw mulch a lot earlier-probably as soon as all plants have died back. I also think that the manure stunted the growth as it was using all available nitrogen to decompose the raw stuff. (I hope I understand the role of nitrogen correctly!) I will also cover the entire area with straw as the edges and inner circle weeds grew onto the straw beds.
The chickens were a learning curve too. My 3 free range girls did very well, they were gregarious and industrious. They loved the weekly addition to the manure pile and enjoyed the scraps and ranged all over the paddocks scratching away. unfortunately they learned that the pick up & quad bike were a source of food (we'd feed the horses and they'd come running over to peck the dribbles) so every time they heard a vehicle they would leg it. we lost 2 this way-my daughter rode over one she didn't see under the quad (her favorite and she was devastated)the other went visiting the water treatment plant next door and got squished by a truck. They were very apologetic, apparently our chickens would squeeze under the gate and "visit" them at lunch time in their tea room. Just another illustration of how inventive chickens can be about sourcing food!
The four caged birds were a sorry sight to start with but were soon pushing out new feathers and at the end you couldn't tell them apart from their neighbours. They were not too keen on the "live" food so we supplemented their food with the sweepings of the horse food messed in the barn. We'd let the "old" bunch out and close the pen allowing us to feed just the caged birds. The old trio were very dominant but did eventually integrate and, except when fed scraps, got on ok with the caged lot. Early on I lost two as they got sick and I had a "knee jerk" reaction and treated them with Baytril instead of going the natural route. It was about 10 days after they arrived and I felt they probably still needed antibiotic treatment as they were used to it. The one died within 2 days and the other got better, sickened, got better, sickened and finally died after about 3 weeks. When the 3rd one started to go downhill I put
apple cider vinegar in the water and crossed my fingers. It got better! After that I put raw
apple cider vinegar in their water once a week and had no further problems.
The oldies laid reasonably well- enough for us and a half dozen every now and then for the neighbours. We knew it was the oldies as after the 2 got run over we only had the occasional egg. But as their feathers regenerated they did start to lay. After about 6 months we had a fox come visiting. After the first one was killed we started locking them up really early in the afternoon. but it still came back and took 2 more on the same day about a week later. By this time I had had enough, it was heart wrenching to see these girls come so far only to be snuffed out by an enterprising fox. I know it has to eat but there are loads of pheasants and
rabbits about! I suppose it was inevitable being that far from any habitation and without any protection but it was hard none the less. I made arrangements to give the last hen to a friend but before she could collect, it also became fox food. I console myself with the thought that they were happy hens-especially the caged ones. They had six months to be chickens again, instead of egg machines. I'm sure it wasn't the nicest way to go, but I,m sure is was quicker than being man handled into a crate, squashed in with loads of other birds and driven to a slaughter house where we all know how they are handled.
I did plant beans around the trees at the edge of the forest and I think it would have been successful if they had been able to establish before the chickens were introduced. They didn't eat the plants but loved scratching through the newly disturbed earth, uprooting the plants as they went. I had no bug damage on the plants, they just died from being out of the ground too much!
The chickens were excellent at creating compost. I would just chuck a heap of rotting manure on once a week and throw house scraps as and when. It was slow to start with- only 3 hens doing the work but I coud see a result after about 5 weeks. As we let the chickens free range after about 3 weeks (two decided to escape long before that!)I suppose this will account for the slow work. You could definitely see the
land clearance done when we moved the fence so I think a very good way to clear land of excess vegetation before mulching.
So although we didn't get a large enough crop of squash to
sell, and the garden didn't do marvellously well, and the chickens were an emotional rollercoaster, I would definitely do it all again. Integrating the three systems and implementing changes for better yields. I would run my chickens though an established, mulched garden, removing them before they can do damage -sort of like mob grazing cattle. This will reduce the parasites/break cycles while providing soil aeration/fertiliser and providing nutrition to the hens.
All in all it was truly a demonstration of symbiosis and interaction between the various components of a farm and how permaculture design can turn problems into solutions and give food security to many on a small, self
sustainable model.
Our last "working" day was 29 Dec 2015. We have taken the "leap", stepped out of the mainstream and are currently looking for land in the Eastern cape to purchase. It has not all gone to plan-lots of vehicle trouble! But we are still optimistic and spending the time researching and learning, gathering resources and studying the landscape and growing climate.
Any advice/observations would be appreciated.