Hi Matt,
I love your work with the glass. You have been playing fast and loose with the 'basics' and getting great results. I like the multi-functionality of this setup.
I do have to say I notice a little more smoke coming out of your flue / grill on the second
video than I am used to seeing with a well-insulated burn tunnel. Can't tell on the 3rd video if the exhaust is smoke or steam.
This is a common issue with fireplaces with two open sides - you lose the clean-burning benefits of a hot fireback / draw path for the combustion gases to channel along. I have wondered about using multiple layers of mica (or your ceramic glass) so that the inner layer can get nice and hot and provide some of this clean-burning effect, without so much heat shock it cracks the glass.
Where are you getting the ceramic glass?
Regarding rain protection:
I would not expect flagstone on top to give
enough protection to the cob, unless you're on the rainshadow side of the Olympics and don't get much rain. But as you say, sometimes it's better to build and re-build fun things and not agonize over doing it 'right.'
If you do try the flagstone approach, of course you can make a slight dome to direct
water toward the edges; there's another issue where even with an overhang, the water can wick down the surface into the cob sides, instead of dripping off at the overhang. One of the Portland bench builders was doing a 'bead' of aquarium cement set back slightly under the lip of the overhang, to create a specific dripline that interrupted the water's tendency to wet the whole surface.
Most of the Portland builders eventually agreed that a cob bench just needs a roof. There were several moisture-related collapses of well oiled and waxed benches, and problems with moisture not drying out from under capping materials like slate or tile. It's not the surface, but the core of the bench that needs to be kept dry, and 'waterproof' materials tend to trap interior moisture as well. I like the bell bench. If your trusses are wood, you may need to keep them dry as well for strength.
Adding a roof over an existing cob bench sometimes involves some damage from dropping roofing bits on it, or re-designing the base to accomodate roof supports. So if you love your fire-quarium-grill enough to roof it, you might want to do the roof before the final plaster.
Thanks for sharing your work.
Would love it if you can continue posting updates on this as long as you use it - I suspect it will continue to improve, and any maintenance issues will be fixed with your customary artistry.
Erica W