Turning my old parking space into an urban edible garden. The tree and hedge make a nice microclimate, the southside in the picture is to the right making it the perfect space for me to turn it into a garden.
What I have done so far:
-I used a spit fork/broad fork (not sure what it's called in English) to loosen up the compacted sandy soil, so I could remove all the perennials, I saved all the dandelion
roots and washed them all up, I have seen a
video of someone making dandelion
coffee by drying out the roots and then roasting them to make dandelion coffee and I would like to try that as well, it might be a nice replacement because nowadays I only drink
water and tea.
-I moved the
concrete tiles 50x50cm (19.5x19.5~ inches), my plan to get rid of them is to place it on a website to
sell second hand items, and put it up for free to pick up. I used a shovel and stuck it under the tile being able to lever it against the compressed sand underneath it, making it easy to pick it up, but gosh those tiles are heavy, and it being 30 (86F) degrees celsius outside wasn't favourable either.
-After removing all the weeds I equalized the sand, and raked out most of the stones at the top.
-I used my spitfork again to loosen up the whole area once again, and raked out the majority of stones sadly
enough i tilled some of the hedge's roots up, and damaging the plant although I think it will survive because it has a very developed
root system as the hedge is trimmed down throughout the year.
I still have to make a design for my
gardening beds, but I am thinking of making a
raised bed making it to place a mulch like
wood chips for the paths. It would be really cool by making a raised by from pallet wood.
Edit: The plant you see stick out of the hedge is presumably an Elm, I am not a 100% sure but it could have been growing there; other side of the pavement there is a big Elm that might have had a success of reproducing itself. Are there any people that are able to identify and confirm if it's an Elm?
To be continued